The Sermon for Sunday January 19th – Epiphany II

Here is the sermon for Sunday January 19th: Epiphany 2, 2014

This week’s Newsletter

Here is this week’s newsletter: St. Stephens News XXV No 2

Saint Wulfstan, Bishop of Worcester

Blessed Lord, who through days of change and turmoil didst preserve Saint Wulfstan strong in his simplicity, humanity, and piety: Multiply in thy Church rulers and leaders of like character, faithful to themselves, to their brethren, and to thee; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

¶ Or this:

O Almighty God, who by thine only-begotten . . . → Read More: Saint Wulfstan, Bishop of Worcester

The Second Sunday after the Epiphany

Almighty and everlasting God, who dost govern all things in heaven and earth: Mercifully hear the supplications of thy people, and grant us thy peace all the days of our life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Saint Prisca

O God, who didst endue blessed Prisca, thy Virgin, with grace to witness a good confession, and to suffer gladly for thy name: Grant us, we beseech thee, so to follow her stedfastness that we may attain to the glorious fellowship of thy Saints; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Confession of Saint Peter (Saint Peter’s Chair in Rome)

Almighty Father, who didst inspire Simon Peter, first among the apostles, to confess Jesus as Messiah and Son of the living God: Keep thy Church stedfast upon the rock of this faith, so that in unity and peace we may proclaim the one truth and follow the one Lord, our Saviour Jesus Christ; who liveth . . . → Read More: The Confession of Saint Peter (Saint Peter’s Chair in Rome)

Saint Antony of Egypt, Abbot

O Lord Jesus Christ, who saidst to thy disciples, Be ye perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect: Give us grace so to follow thy blessed Saint Antony in the way of perfection, that we may count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of thee; who livest and reignest with . . . → Read More: Saint Antony of Egypt, Abbot

Save the Date: Valentine’s Dinner and Auction

After a many–year absence, St Stephen’s Dinner and Auction returns on Valentine’s Day, Friday, February 14th, 2014.

We hope that you can join us for a scrumptious formal dinner and auction of goods and services contributed by St. Stephens’ parishioners. Tickets will be on sale after Sunday Services beginning January 19, 2014.

Please contact Judy . . . → Read More: Save the Date: Valentine’s Dinner and Auction

The Tale of Father Aitch and the Archangel

. . . → Read More: The Tale of Father Aitch and the Archangel

Saint Kentigern

O God, who by the preaching of thy blessed servant Saint Kentigern didst cause the light of the Gospel to shine in these islands: Lead us by its brightness to become sons of a new birth, growing into thine image from glory to glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.