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Choral Eucharist for Whitsunday

Choir Christmas Eve 2018

Choir Christmas Eve 2018

When was the last time you attended a full-blown Choral Eucharist? You have an opportunity to do so this Sunday, June 9th. Because Pentecost is a Major Feast Day, the Choir of Men & Boys will be singing Choral Eucharist instead of Choral Mattins at the 11:00 AM service. . . . → Read More: Choral Eucharist for Whitsunday

A Collect for D-Day

Soldiers resting on Omaha Beach

Almighty and All-Terrible God, Creator of all the world and Father of all men: we thank thee for the strength and courage of all those who planned and participated in the assault of Normandy on D-Day, and particularly for the valour of those who sacrificed their lives in the service of God and country. Grant . . . → Read More: A Collect for D-Day

Saint Boniface, Bishop of Mainz and Martyr

St Boniface baptising and being Martyred

St Boniface baptising and being Martyred, from the Sacramentary of Fulda (Fuldaer Sakramentar) (11th century)

Almighty God, who didst call thy faithful servant Boniface to be a witness and martyr in Germany, and by his labor and suffering didst raise up a people for thine own possession; Pour forth thy Holy Spirit upon . . . → Read More: Saint Boniface, Bishop of Mainz and Martyr

The Sunday after Ascension Day

Jesus ascending to Heaven

Ascension by John Singleton Copley (1738–1815)

O God, the King of glory, who hast exalted thine only Son Jesus Christ with great triumph unto thy kingdom in heaven: We beseech thee, leave us not comfortless; but send to us thine Holy Ghost to comfort us, and exalt us unto the same place whither . . . → Read More: The Sunday after Ascension Day

Saint Justin Martyr

Justin Martyr

Justin Martyr (Justin the Philosopher), illustration from Les vrais pourtraits et vies des hommes illustres grecz, latins et payens, by André Thevet (1502-1590). From Wikimedia.

Almighty God, who didst call Saint Justin Martyr to bear open witness to the certainty of those things wherein he had been instructed: Make us fearless to . . . → Read More: Saint Justin Martyr

Heroes Ancient & Modern: a Memorial Day meditation

Fr Hawtin

The Hollywood stereotype of hero rarely holds true in real life. Whatever you might see in the movies, heroes are by no means invariably young, confident, and athletic. Sometimes they are old and wrinkly: Moses, for example, was nearly 80 years of age when God called him to lead the children of Israel out of . . . → Read More: Heroes Ancient & Modern: a Memorial Day meditation

The Latest Newsletter

The medieval scribe, by Edward Laning (1906–1981) as part of the WPA Federal Art Project (WPA-FAP). From The New York Public Library.

Here is the latest newsletter: St Stephen’s News XXX No 20 June 4th

Memorial Day

Sentinel at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

From A Prayer Book for Soldiers and Sailors (1941)

I. For Justice and Freedom

O God, the King of righteousness: Lead us, we pray thee, in ways of justice and peace; inspire us to break down all tyranny and oppression, to gain for every man his due reward, and from every man his due service, . . . → Read More: Memorial Day

The Ascension Day  

the ascension giotto

¶ This Collect is to be said daily throughout the Octave.

The Ascension, by Giotto di Bondone (1266/7–1337). From Wikiart.

Grant, we beseech thee, Almighty God, that like as we do believe thy only–begotten Son our Lord Jesus Christ to have ascended into the heavens; so we may also in heart . . . → Read More: The Ascension Day  

Ascension Eve

Ascension of Christ, Benvenuto Tisi

Ascension of Christ, by Benvenuto Tisi (1481–1559)

O Almighty God, who alone canst order the unruly wills and affections of sinful men: Grant unto thy people, that they may love the thing which thou commandest, and desire that which thou dost promise; that so, among the sundry and manifold changes of the world, . . . → Read More: Ascension Eve