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The Latest Newsletter

Here is the most recent newsletter: St Stephen’s News XXXI 51 December 10th

Saint Ambrose, Bishop of Milan and Doctor

Ambrose and Theodosius

Saint Ambrose barring Theodosius from Milan Cathedral, by Anthony van Dyck (1599–1641). From Wikipedia.

O God, who didst give to thy servant Ambrose grace eloquently to proclaim thy righteousness in the great congregation, and fearlessly to bear reproach for the honour of thy Name: Mercifully grant to all bishops and pastors such . . . → Read More: Saint Ambrose, Bishop of Milan and Doctor

Saint Nicholas of Myra

Ilja Repin Saint Nicholas of Myra saves three innocents from death

Saint Nicholas of Myra saves three innocents from death by Ilja Repin (1844–1930).

Almighty God, who in thy love didst give to thy servant Nicholas of Myra a perpetual name for deeds of kindness both on land and seas: Grant, we pray thee, that thy Church may never cease to work for the . . . → Read More: Saint Nicholas of Myra

The Second Sunday in Advent

Advent Wreath Advent II

Blessed Lord, who hast caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: Grant that we may in such wise hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that by patience and comfort of thy holy Word, we may embrace, and ever hold fast, the blessed hope of everlasting life, which thou . . . → Read More: The Second Sunday in Advent

Saint John of Damascus

St John of Damascus with his foster brother St Kosmas

St John of Damascus with his foster brother St Kosmas

Confirm our minds, O Lord, in the mysteries of the true faith, set forth with power by thy servant John of Damascus; that we, with him, confessing Jesus to be true God and true Man, and singing the praises of the risen Lord, . . . → Read More: Saint John of Damascus

Nicholas Ferrar, Deacon Founder of the Little Gidding Community

Nicholas Ferrar

Nicholas Ferrar, by Cornelius Janssen (1585–1638). From Wikipedia.

Lord God, make us worthy of thy perfect love; that, with thy deacon Nicholas Ferrar and his household, we may rule ourselves according to thy Word, and serve thee with our whole heart; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee . . . → Read More: Nicholas Ferrar, Deacon Founder of the Little Gidding Community

Saint Clement of Alexandria

Martyrdom of St Clement

Martyrdom of St Clement, by Bernardino Fungai (1460–1516).

O God, who hast enlightened thy Church by the teaching of thy servant Clement of Alexandria: Enrich it evermore, we beseech thee, with thy heavenly grace, and raise up faithful witnesses, who by their life and doctrine may set forth to all men the truth . . . → Read More: Saint Clement of Alexandria

Saint Francis Xavier, Missionary to the Far East

Saint Francis Xavier preaching in Goa

God of all nations: Raise up, we beseech thee, in this and every land, evangelists and heralds of thy kingdom, that like thy servant Francis Xavier we may proclaim the unsearchable riches of our Saviour Jesus Christ; who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

. . . → Read More: Saint Francis Xavier, Missionary to the Far East

Saint Birinus

Celtic Cross

We beseech thee, O Lord, to pour thy grace on all who go to other lands, publishing the Word of salvation: That, following the patient labours of Saint Birinus, who brought to us the Gospel from beyond the sea, they may gather many believers into the fold of thy holy Church; through the merits . . . → Read More: Saint Birinus

The Latest Newsletter

The medieval scribe, by Edward Laning (1906–1981) as part of the WPA Federal Art Project (WPA-FAP). From The New York Public Library.

Here is the most recent newsletter: St Stephen’s News XXXI 50 December 3rd [sic]