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Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop

Portrait of Thomas Cranmer, by Gerlach Flicke (1495–1558). From Wikimedia

Merciful God, who through the work of Thomas Cranmer didst renew the worship of thy Church by restoring the language of the people, and through whose death didst reveal thy power in human weakness: Grant that by thy grace we may always . . . → Read More: Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop

Saint Benedict, Abbot of Monte Cassino

Totila e San Benedetto

Totila e San Benedetto (King Totila of the Goths tests St Benedict), by Spinello Aretino (1350–1410). From Wikipedia.

Almighty and everlasting God, whose precepts are the wisdom of a loving Father: Enable us, after the teaching and example of thy servant Saint Benedict, to walk as one family in the excellent paths . . . → Read More: Saint Benedict, Abbot of Monte Cassino

Saint Cuthbert

Cuthbert and Ælfflaed at Coquet Island

Cuthbert meets Ælfflæd of Whitby on Coquet Island, from Bede’s Life of Cuthbert, 12th century

Almighty God, who didst call thy blessed Saint Cuthbert from following the flock to be a Shepherd and Bishop of souls: Inspire all Bishops and Pastors to tend their flocks after his pattern with gentleness and strength; that . . . → Read More: Saint Cuthbert

Latest COVID-19 Update: 19 March 2020

church with cross and weathercock

The latest update from Fr Novicki:

This morning, Governor Hogan issued a directive that all mass meetings greater than 10 are forbidden. Accordingly, Sunday Services are cancelled pending the lifting of this restriction. Clergy will remain available during the week from 10:00 AM–3:00 PM.

Saint Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Guido Reni St Joseph with the Infant Jesus

St Joseph with the Infant Jesus, by Guido Reni (1575–1642). From Wikipediea (Web Gallery of Art)

O God, who from the family of thy servant David didst raise up Joseph to be the guardian of thine incarnate Son and the spouse of his virgin mother: Give us grace to imitate his uprightness . . . → Read More: Saint Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Latest COVID-19 Update

Fr Hawtin

The latest notice from Fr Novicki on the parish’s response to COVID-19:

The Vestry meeting for March is cancelled. I have received word the Garden Party has been cancelled. This was done at this juncture to give vendors adequate notice. Unless the Governor decrees otherwise, there will be services on Sunday. Parishoners self isolated at . . . → Read More: The Latest COVID-19 Update

The parish’s plans for Corvid-19 emergency

Fr Hawtin

Familiarity, according to the proverb, breeds contempt. It is a saying which helps explain why many who have lived through the major epidemics of the past century—whooping cough, scarlet fever, Asian flu and polio—appear to be taking a somewhat phlegmatic approach to the neo-coronavirus, Covid-19.

Scorn is probably not an unreasonable reaction to the hoarders . . . → Read More: The parish’s plans for Corvid-19 emergency

The Most Recent Newsletters

Here are the most recent Newsletters:

St Stephen’s News XXXI 9 March 17th

St Stephen’s News XXXI 10 March 24th

Saint Patrick

St Patrick, Enlightener of Ireland

St Patrick, Enlightener of Ireland, shown with the shamrock he used to explain the mystery of the Holy Trinity

O God, who in thy providence didst choose thy servant Patrick to be the Apostle of the Irish people, that he might cause the light of the Gospel to shine in the world: Grant . . . → Read More: Saint Patrick

On the Kalendar: Cyril, Bishop of Jerusalem

March from Les Petites Heures d'Anne de Bretagne

“March”, kalendar page from Les Petites Heures d’Anne de Bretagne (The Little Hours of Queen Anne of Bretagne), by the Maître des Triomphes de Pétrarque. From Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris (France).

Little is known about Cyril’s early life. He acceded to the See of Jerusalem around A.D. 350, and about this . . . → Read More: On the Kalendar: Cyril, Bishop of Jerusalem