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Veterans Day

Remembrance Day poppy

Almighty God, our heavenly Father, in whose hands are the living and the dead: We give thee thanks for all those thy servants who have laid down their lives in the service of our country. Grant to them thy mercy and the light of thy presence, that the good work which thou hast begun . . . → Read More: Veterans Day

Saint Martin

San Martín y el mendigo

San Martín y el mendigo (Saint Martin and the beggar), by El Greco (1541–1614). From Wikimedia.

O Lord Jesus Christ, who didst endue thy soldier Saint Martin with the spirit of sacrifice, and didst exalt him as Bishop to be a great defender of the Faith: Grant us grace to follow in . . . → Read More: Saint Martin

Altar Flowers — Trinity XXI

Altar Flowers — Trinity XXI

Altar Flowers — Trinity XXI, 10 November 2019

Altar Flowers — Trinity XX

Altar Flowers — Trinity XX

Altar Flowers — Trinity XX, 3 November 2019

The Twenty–First Sunday after Trinity

Trinity (celtic knot)

Grant, we beseech thee, merciful Lord, to thy faithful people pardon and peace, that they may be cleansed from all their sins, and serve thee with a quiet mind; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The State of the Parish: The Rector’s Report 2018/19

Fr Hawtin

For Saint Stephen’s, the year 2018/19 has been marked by a number of notable changes and transitions. Not least, our vicar, The Very Reverend Michael Kerouac, his wife Caroline and their family left Saint Stephen’s for Florida. Shortly after their arrival, Bishop John Vaughan installed Fr Kerouac as the Dean of St Patrick’s ProCathedral at . . . → Read More: The State of the Parish: The Rector’s Report 2018/19


Jews burned alive

Almighty God, Maker of all things, and Judge of all men: We are all sinners before thee, and equally desirous of thy grace. Embolden our hearts to confront them that would lay scorn and trouble upon thy Chosen People. We are all children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, that multitude of people which are like . . . → Read More: Kristallnacht

The Latest Newsletter

The medieval scribe, by Edward Laning (1906–1981) as part of the WPA Federal Art Project (WPA-FAP). From The New York Public Library.

Here is the latest newsletter: St Stephen’s News XXX 43

Anglican Saints and Worthies

Also known as “Saints, Martyrs, Missionaries, and Doctors of the Church of England” and “Saints of the British Isles”

Almighty God, we bless thy Holy Name for all thy saints, and most especially for all the Anglican saints and worthies who have laboured in thy vineyard. Endow us, we beseech thee, with minds clear, . . . → Read More: Anglican Saints and Worthies

Saint Willibrord

Saint Willibrord after Abraham Bloemaert

Saint Willibrord after Abraham Bloemaert (1566–1651)

O Lord Jesus Christ, who callest to thee whom thou willest, and sendest them whither thou dost choose: We thank thee for calling thy servant Willibrord to preach the Gospel to the Northern people; and we humbly pray thee to raise up among us those who will . . . → Read More: Saint Willibrord