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The Latest Newsletter

The medieval scribe, by Edward Laning (1906–1981) as part of the WPA Federal Art Project (WPA-FAP). From The New York Public Library.

Here is the latest Newsletter: St Stephen’s News XXX 35

Holy Cross

The Exaltation of the Cross

The Exaltation of the Cross, from the Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry (Musée Condé, Chantilly). From Wikipedia.

Almighty God, whose Son our Saviour Jesus Christ was lifted high upon the cross that he might draw the whole world unto himself: Mercifully grant that we, who glory in the mystery of . . . → Read More: Holy Cross

Saint Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage


Saint Cyprian, by the Master of Meßkirch (active 1515–1540). From Wikipedia.

O Almighty God, who didst give to thy servant Cyprian boldness to confess the Name of our Saviour Jesus Christ before the rulers of this world, and courage to die for this faith: Grant that we may always be ready to . . . → Read More: Saint Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage

For All True Martyrs

martyrdom of st stephen by carracci

O Lord God, whose Son hath taught us that the greatest love is to lay down one’s life for one’s friends: we bless thee for the example of all thy martyrs who have answered pride with humility, anger with forgiveness, and hatred with charity. Grant, we beseech thee, that like thy proto–martyr St Stephen, all . . . → Read More: For All True Martyrs

Saint Deiniol

Y Ddraig Goch

O God, the light of the faithful and shepherd of souls, who didst set blessed Deiniol to be a Bishop in the Church, that he might feed thy sheep by his word, and guide them by his example: Grant us, we beseech thee, to keep the faith which he taught, and to follow in . . . → Read More: Saint Deiniol

Sermon for Trinity XII

Fr Hawtin

Here is the Rector’s sermon for Trinity XII, 8 September 2019: Trinity XII

On the Kalendar: Saint Deiniol, Abbot and Bishop

Deiniol is traditionally considered the first Bishop of Bangor, in the Kingdom of Gwynedd, Wales. According to Deiniol’s Life, he was the son of Abbot Dunod Fawr, the son of Pabo Post Prydain. Other sources trace his ancestry to Coel Godhebog, a chieftain in Strathclyde, which, at the time, was a Brythonic speaking region. (The . . . → Read More: On the Kalendar: Saint Deiniol, Abbot and Bishop

Star Trek Day

St Sigfrid baptizes the heathen

Almighty Father: Send down, we beseech thee, thy Holy Spirit, the great Dove of the Universe, to inspire us to preach the Gospel both with words and with deeds, both far and near. Let us go forth, both clergy and laity, to seek out new congregations, and to boldly go where no priest has gone . . . → Read More: Star Trek Day

The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Giotto The Birth of the Virgin

The Birth of the Virgin, by Giotto (1266/7—1337). From Wikipedia.

Almighty and everlasting God, who by the overshadowing of the Holy Ghost didst prepare the body and soul of the Virgin–Mother Mary to be a dwelling place for thy Son: Keep us, we beseech thee, pure and undefiled, that we may be . . . → Read More: The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Twelfth Sunday after Trinity

celtic trefoil

Almighty and everlasting God, who art always more ready to hear than we to pray, and art wont to give more than either we desire or deserve: Pour down upon us the abundance of thy mercy; forgiving us those things whereof our conscience is afraid, and giving us those good things which we are . . . → Read More: The Twelfth Sunday after Trinity