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The aphorism: An economical expression of an obvious truth

Fr Hawtin

I have always had a weakness for aphorisms. Really good ones impart instructive truths with a wry smile. Among some frequently quoted favorites are Oscar Wilde’s definition of hypocrisy “vice’s tribute to virtue” and Dr Samuel Johnson’s observation on second marriages “the triumph of hope over experience.”

Recently a friend sent me a collection of . . . → Read More: The aphorism: An economical expression of an obvious truth

Ordination of Deacon Dan Bursi

Nicolas Poussin The Sacrament of Ordination (Christ Presenting the Keys to Saint Peter)

God willing, on August 14th, the Right Reverend John Vaughan, Bishop of the Diocese of the Eastern United States, will ordain Deacon Dan Bursi to the order of priest. The ordination will take place during the Synod Solemn High Mass at 7:00 PM. All are welcome to this momentous occasion in the life of the . . . → Read More: Ordination of Deacon Dan Bursi

Llamas Day

The Ashby Company in Erie, PA, produces Church and Liturgical Kalendars for a variety of denominations. (And yes, that’s “kalendar” with a ‘k’. It goes back to the ancient Roman name for the first of the month.) These kalendars note special feast days and fast days, commemorations of saints, and the appropriate liturgical colour of . . . → Read More: Llamas Day


Harvest Scene

Harvest Scene, by George Cole (1810–1883). From Cartwell Hall Art Gallery. (c) Bradford Museums and Galleries; Supplied by The Public Catalogue Foundation

O God, who hast made heaven and earth and all that is in them: We humbly beseech thee to bless and hallow these first–fruits of wheat, and to multiply them . . . → Read More: Lammas

Saint Peter in Chains

Antonio de Bellis La liberazione di San Pietro

The Liberation of St Peter, by Antonio de Bellis. From Wikipedia.

O God, who didst deliver thine Apostle Peter from his bonds and suffer him to depart unhurt: Vouchsafe, we beseech thee, to deliver us from the bonds of our sins, and of thy mercy preserve us from all evil; through Jesus . . . → Read More: Saint Peter in Chains

Saint Ignatius of Loyola

St Ignatius of Loyola

St Ignatius of Loyola, by Peter Paul Rubens (1577–1640). From Wikipedia.

Almighty God, from whom all good things come: Thou didst call Ignatius of Loyola to the service of thy Divine Majesty and to find thee in all things. Inspired by his example and strengthened by his companionship, may we labour without . . . → Read More: Saint Ignatius of Loyola

Recent Newsletters

Here are the most recent newsletters:

St Stephen’s News XXX No 27 July 23rd St Stephen’s News XXX No 28 July 30th St Stephen’s News XXX No 29 August 5th

Back issues of the newsletter are available in our library.

Saint Mary and Saint Martha of Bethany

St Mary and St Martha

Christ in the House of Mary and Martha by Jan Vermeer (1623—1675)

Merciful Saviour, who didst love Mary, and Martha, and Lazarus, blessing their home with thy sacred presence: Help us, we beseech thee, to choose that better part which shall not be taken away from us, that we may grow in grace . . . → Read More: Saint Mary and Saint Martha of Bethany

On the Kalendar: Saint Peter in Chains and Lammas

Benjamin West St. Peter Released from Prison

“On the Kalendar” is a series examining some of the lesser known feast days on the Kalendar.

St. Peter Released from Prison, by Benjamin West (1738–1820). From Wikimedia.

We start off On the Kalendar with a two-fer: There are two interesting feast days celebrated on August 1st. The first is Saint Peter . . . → Read More: On the Kalendar: Saint Peter in Chains and Lammas

Saint Samson of Dol

Y Ddraig Goch

O God, the light of the faithful and shepherd of souls, who didst set blessed Samson to be a Bishop in the Church, that he might feed thy sheep by his word, and guide them by his example: Grant us, we beseech thee, to keep the faith which he taught, and to follow in . . . → Read More: Saint Samson of Dol