Vacation Bible School starts on June 19th: Register now!

Michael slaying the dragon

The Archangel Michael. From Wikimedia.

The Sunday School is calling for every child in the neighborhood to put on “The Armor of God” this summer at St Stephen’s Vacation Bible School. It starts on June 19th and runs to June 23rd. Every “new squire” will learn the Shield of Faith, the Shoes . . . → Read More: Vacation Bible School starts on June 19th: Register now!

A little bit of Britain in the heart of Timonium

There were sunny smiles—if not sunny skies—at this year’s Garden Party and Fête. Again St Stephen’s provided a bit of Britain to the neighborhood with authentic food, pub offerings, a maypole, and a festive lawn party atmosphere as only the British can provide. Gross receipts totaled over $7,000.

The John F. Nicoll . . . → Read More: A little bit of Britain in the heart of Timonium

Financial Peace University

Join us for Financial Peace University, a presentation of Dave Ramsey’s video series. Financial Peace University changes lives through wise money management focused on building wealth and eliminating debt. Learn how God’s principles for finance can make a difference in your life and improve your relationships.

There are over 2,000 verses in the bible . . . → Read More: Financial Peace University

Children’s Activities at the Garden Party

Windsor Bouncy Castle

There are all sorts of activities for children at St Stephen’s annual Garden Party and Fête. One of the favorite attractions is the Windsor Bouncing Castle, which is available for children under 12 years in age and under 5 stone (70 pounds) in weight, for the nominal fee of 50¢. (Children playing in the . . . → Read More: Children’s Activities at the Garden Party

Jumble at the Garden Party

White Elephant booth

One of the highlights of St Stephen’s annual Garden Party and Fête is the Portobello Road White Elephant Booth. This booth features some of the most elegant jumble in the state of Maryland. Glassware, china, kitchen appliances, knick-knacks, bric-a-brac, curios, you name it. The objects range from the mundane to the eccentric. And everything is . . . → Read More: Jumble at the Garden Party

Afternoon Tea at the Garden Party

Garden Party panorama

You don’t have to travel to England to have a genuine Afternoon Tea. You can find one right here in the Baltimore suburbs—at St Stephen’s annual Garden Party and Fête, 6 May 2017, from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Tea is served in Quimby Hall (the Parish Hall), with continuous service for the duration . . . → Read More: Afternoon Tea at the Garden Party

Punch and Judy at the Garden Party

Punch and Judy at 2014 Garden Party

Have you ever seen a Punch & Judy show? We mean, a real Punch & Judy show? If you haven’t, now’s your chance. And if you’ve seen Professor Horn’s Punch & Judy Show at previous Garden Parties, you’ll know how riotously funny it is. There are jokes for all ages, and all the slapstick you’d . . . → Read More: Punch and Judy at the Garden Party

Easter Day

Mikhail Nesterov The Empty Tomb

O God, who for our redemption didst give thine only–begotten Son to the death of the Cross, and by his glorious resurrection hast delivered us from the power of our enemy: Grant us so to die daily from sin, that we may evermore live with him in the joy of his resurrection; through the same . . . → Read More: Easter Day

Saint Ambrose, Bishop of Milan and Doctor

St Ambrose converting Theodosius

St Ambrose converting Theodosius

Replenish the Church, O Lord God, with the spirit of boldness, to judge righteous judgement; with the spirit of sound learning, to interpret thy truth; with the spirit of worship to magnify thy mercy in the beauty of holiness: and appoint unto her fathers and teachers like Saint Ambrose . . . → Read More: Saint Ambrose, Bishop of Milan and Doctor

“The night is far spent, the day is at hand …”


Don’t forget! Daylight Saving Time begins this Sunday You don’t have to get up in the wee hours (2:00 AM, specifically) to change your clocks. You can change them when you get up; or maybe better, you should change them before you go to bed. If you’re late for the 8:00 AM service, you . . . → Read More: “The night is far spent, the day is at hand …”