Parish Youth Play Group Kickoff

Mark your calendars! The first Parish Youth Play Group will be on Saturday, February 18th, from 2:00 to 4:00 PM. Weather permitting, there will be lots of outdoor activities, such as free play with soccer balls, basketball, and four square. We’ll have indoor activities planned if there’s rain or snow. There will also be a . . . → Read More: Parish Youth Play Group Kickoff

Winter Red Cross Blood Drive

Red Cross Logo

St Stephen’s Winter Blood Drive is Monday, January 23rd, from 1:30 PM to 7:00 PM. Blood supplies are critically low this winter, so every pint donated is especially appreciated. The Red Cross will be offering coupons for a bag of Dunkin Donuts coffee to every donor.

To sign up for a donation slot, you . . . → Read More: Winter Red Cross Blood Drive

The First Sunday after the Epiphany

Isaac on Epiphany

Isaac on Epiphany

O Lord, we beseech thee mercifully to receive the prayers of thy people who call upon thee; and grant that they may both perceive and know what things they ought to do, and also may have grace and power faithfully to fulfil the same; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

. . . → Read More: The First Sunday after the Epiphany

Cookie Walk in the News!

Cookie Walk 2016 / Baltimore Sun

Cookie Walk 2016 /(Steve Ruark / Baltimore Sun Media Group)

St Stephen’s Cookie Walk (which, by all accounts, was a great success) was covered by the local news media. Check out this gallery of pictures in the Baltimore Sun.

. . . → Read More: Cookie Walk in the News!

Welsh delicacies at the Cookie Walk

British Goods by Annie

One of the highlights of St Stephen’s annual Cookie Walk—something you are unlikely to find anywhere else—is our abundance of ethnic foods—specifically, English and Welsh delicacies. Annie must spend the entire week before Cookie Walk baking and cooking. The result is a wonderful assortment of genuine Christmas Puddings (hard sauce available separately), Welsh cakes, and . . . → Read More: Welsh delicacies at the Cookie Walk

Cookie Walk Jams and Jellies 2016

Cookie Walk Jams and Jellies

Each year we have an amazing array of homemade jams and jellies available. Surely you can find something on this list as a stocking stuffer for all of your family and friends! Jars are 8 ounces and $5.00 apiece.

Here are the jams and jellies available for the 2016 Cookie Walk!

Strawberry Blueberry Peach . . . → Read More: Cookie Walk Jams and Jellies 2016

Knitting Circle Silent Auction 2016

Silent Auction Items

Check out the stunning items in the Knitting Circle’s Silent Auction, an integral part of the 2016 Cookie Walk! Proceeds from the silent auction go to Heifer, International. . . . → Read More: Knitting Circle Silent Auction 2016

In the aftermath of the 2016 Presidential Election

Almighty God, who filled the Apostles with the Holy Ghost by sending cloven tongues like as of fire: Grant that the dumpster fire which is the current manifestation of our nation’s political soul may become a guiding light for the betterment of our nation. Let the enmity burning in the hearts of our citizens become . . . → Read More: In the aftermath of the 2016 Presidential Election

Set your clocks back this Sunday!

Fall Back

Daylight Saving Time ends this Sunday, November 6th! Not permanently, alas, but for the year. If you get up in the wee hours to say Mattins like traditional monastic and cloistered societies do, you can do it at the precise time, 2:00 AM. Otherwise, we recommend changing your clocks before you go to bed. . . . → Read More: Set your clocks back this Sunday!

Afternoon Teas resume on 9 June

tea service

Saint Stephen’s Afternoon Teas will resume on Thursday, 9 June at 2:00 PM. We left April and May off the 2016 calendar as Holy Week and the Garden Party are busy times for the church. The Afternoon Teas are served on the second Thursday of the month. There is no fixed price for our . . . → Read More: Afternoon Teas resume on 9 June