Some great cookie recipes
 for the 24th Cookie Walk

Cookie Walk Servers

It’s funny how the flight of time dims the memory! Members of the Parish Life Committee were recently trying to figure out how many years we had been holding the Cookie Walk at St Stephen’s. Most seemed to agree that this year’s event would be the 22nd.

Colby Hawks, however, was pretty sure it would . . . → Read More: Some great cookie recipes
 for the 24th Cookie Walk

Fall Church Picnic

The Fall Church Picnic will be on Saturday, September 19th, immediately following the 5:00 PM Family Eucharist. The picnic will be an outdoor Bar-B-Que with the congregation bringing sides and desserts. Picnic will follow the Eucharist service at 5:00 PM. The church will provide hamburgers, hotdogs, rolls and condiments. Sides/salads and desserts will be . . . → Read More: Fall Church Picnic

Afternoon Tea

Afternoon Tea in Quimby Hall

The next Afternoon Tea will be Thursday, September 17th, at 2:00 PM. Due to the popularity of the teas, we are now requesting that attendees sign up ahead of time with seating limited to 40. A free will offering basket is provided at the tea. Proceeds reimburse tea expenses, as well as supporting . . . → Read More: Afternoon Tea

Last Silly Summer Supper of the Season

Silly Summer Supper

The last Silly Summer Supper of the season is this Wednesday, September 9th, at 6:30 PM, immediately following the 6:00 PM service of Evening Prayer. This last gathering will be a potluck supper. A sign-up sheet for potluck donations was posted at the supper on September 2nd. You can sign up on Sunday to . . . → Read More: Last Silly Summer Supper of the Season

Parish Hymn Raffle

Hymn Raffle

This Sunday, 6 September at 6:00 PM, in lieu of our usual offering of Choral Evensong, St Stephen’s Anglican Church will present a Parish Hymn Raffle! What’s a ‘hymn raffle’, you ask? It’s essentially a hymnsing with a twist. Here’s how it works:

Raffle tickets will be sold for $1 each (or 6 for . . . → Read More: Parish Hymn Raffle

Summer Red Cross Blood Drive

Don’t let this happen to you or your loved ones! An hour of your time and a pint of your blood can make a difference for three people. Plan on giving the gift of life at St. Stephen’s next blood drive on Tuesday, July 21st, from 2:00 PM to 7:30 PM. You can sign . . . → Read More: Summer Red Cross Blood Drive

Afternoon Tea

Cup of Tea

The next Afternoon Tea is Thursday, August 6th, at 2:00 PM in Quimby Hall. If you have never before attended one of our Teas, you are in for a treat. We serve freshly cut sandwiches, savouries, cakes, cookies, and of course freshly baked scones, butter, strawberry jam with lashings of freshly whipped cream.

We . . . → Read More: Afternoon Tea

July In-gathering for At Jacob’s Well

This Sunday is the first Sunday of the month, so we will be having our usual in-gathering of household items and non-perishable foodstuffs for At Jacob’s Well, a Baltimore charity which provides supportive housing for adults who are chronically mentally ill and experiencing homelessness, with the hope of ending their homelessness by creating . . . → Read More: July In-gathering for At Jacob’s Well

Silly Summer Suppers

A September Superior Summer Supper

The moment you have all been waiting for is here: at 6:30 PM each Wednesday, starting 24 June, the chefs of St Stephen’s will be serving the 2015 series of Silly Summer Suppers.

A September Silly Summer Supper

It’s hard to think of a less appropriate name than ‘Silly Summer Suppers’ for these . . . → Read More: Silly Summer Suppers

Afternoon Teas continue
 through the summer

We are pleased to announce that we will continue to serve our popular Afternoon Teas throughout the summer months. The Teas are usually served on the Third Thursday of the month at 2pm in Quimby Hall.

Thus far, two dates have been set: 11 June [note the correction from last issue: the June Tea has . . . → Read More: Afternoon Teas continue
 through the summer