Pictures from Shrove Tuesday and St Patrick’s Day Suppers

Happy Riley takes great delight in preparing blueberry pancakes at St Stephen’s 2013 Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper.

Hardly a month goes by without at least one special event (meaning a chance to eat, but Evensong is worth coming to, even without the grand receptions that follow), and St Stephen’s has had two in . . . → Read More: Pictures from Shrove Tuesday and St Patrick’s Day Suppers

Women’s Club Lunch

This month the Ladies Who Lunch will be meeting at the Szechuan House (in the shopping center at the corner of York Rd. and Seminary Ave.) at 12 noon on Wednesday, March 20th. Why not join us for a convivial get-together over a delicious meal? Good food and good fellowship—what more could you want? To . . . → Read More: Women’s Club Lunch

St Patrick’s Day Dinner on March 16th

The Parish Life chefs are at it again. The culinary artists that bring you the Silly Summer Suppers will be emerging from their winter hibernation to prepare a St Patrick’s Day feast for you.

Plan to be there on Saturday, March 16th, at 6:00 PM for a traditional Irish dinner of corned beef, cabbage, boiled . . . → Read More: St Patrick’s Day Dinner on March 16th

St David’s Day sermon by Fr Kerouac

This past Sunday, St Stephen’s celebrated the Feast of St David, patron saint of Wales. There are a number of expats and Anglophiles—and Celtophiles—in the parish, so these patronal festivals are always special occasions. It was also the occasion of the Setting-Apart of Wiley Hawks as a Subdeacon, in recognition of his gift for ministering . . . → Read More: St David’s Day sermon by Fr Kerouac

Come to the Parish Life Committee Meeting on March 12th

It’s hard to believe but the Garden Party is fast upon us. In fact, the “big event” is a mere eight weeks after this next meeting. It’s time to kick the planning into high gear.

Already booked are the pipe band and Camerata Musica, and this year we will once again have the Maypole dance . . . → Read More: Come to the Parish Life Committee Meeting on March 12th

The Setting Apart of Subdeacon Wiley Hawks

Fr Hawtin presents the newly set apart Subdeacon Wiley Hawks

On March 3rd, the Sunday in the Octave of St David, Wiley Hawks was set aside as Subdeacon by Father Hawtin, with Fr Michael Kerouac present. The Setting-Apart of Subdeacons is the liturgy St Stephen’s uses to welcome laymen to certain . . . → Read More: The Setting Apart of Subdeacon Wiley Hawks

No Bridge Club on Thursdays

If you were planning on showing up for Bridge Club this Thursday evening, you’ll have to change your plans. With the end of football season, the Bridge Club has resumed meeting at its usual time, viz., at 2:30 PM on Sunday afternoons. This meeting time will continue until the resumption of football in the fall.

. . . → Read More: No Bridge Club on Thursdays

An appeal for At Jacob’s Well

The first Sunday of each month is set aside as a time to remember the needs of the men and women served by At Jacob’s Well, an organization that has been housing Baltimore’s homeless mentally ill for over 25 years. Unfortunately the amount collected at our monthly in-giving has dwindled somewhat of late.

. . . → Read More: An appeal for At Jacob’s Well

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper on February 26th

St Stephen’s Shrove Tuesday Pancake & Sausage Supper takes place on February 12th. These famous suppers are not only gastronomic events, they are also real inflation fighters.

The price has remained unchanged for 22 years. We challenge you to find anything in Baltimore with a comparable record!

For a mere $5 per adult you can . . . → Read More: Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper on February 26th

Questions about the BCP you never had the courage to ask

Folks familiar with Church history usually claim the first English Prayer Book is the First Prayer Book of King Edward VI, which was authorized for use in 1549. True, this wonderful book is the ancestor of all the Books of Common Prayer in use in the world of Anglicanism today—albeit a very distant one in . . . → Read More: Questions about the BCP you never had the courage to ask