A tremendous effort and a stupendous success!

This year’s Cookie Walk was a stupendous success. Our friends in the neighborhood—new and old—turned out in droves. By the end of the day, with not a cookie left on the tables, the Cookie Walk team had taken in close on $7,700. That’s no small potatoes! What’s more, that figure does not include post–Cookie Walk . . . → Read More: A tremendous effort and a stupendous success!

Did you miss the Cookie Walk?

If so, you missed one of the major events of the season. Cookies, jams, jellies, wreaths, greens, … We’ll have details shortly, and a full gallery of pictures, but meanwhile, here’s a sampling of yesterday’s activities.

The crowds lining either side of the Parish Hall to make their cookie selections

. . . → Read More: Did you miss the Cookie Walk?

2012 Cookie Walk Silent Auction

The items for St Stephen’s 2012 Cookie Walk Silent Auction stretch the length of the hallway and around into the lobby.

Who can resist the comfort of hand-knitted gloves or scarves? The Knitting Circle has been meeting weekly all year long, making blankets, prayer shawls, and so forth, for guests at Joseph Richey . . . → Read More: 2012 Cookie Walk Silent Auction

A Final Cookie Recipe

It’s been rumored that there exists in this world only one Christmas Fruit Cake and it’s gifted from house to house every year but never eaten. This recipe would never share the same fate. Make these delicious cookies and we guarantee they will be eaten.

Fruit Cake Cookies Ingredients

1 Cup Butter 2 Cups Sugar . . . → Read More: A Final Cookie Recipe

Help Wanted. No Experience Necessary.

Over 5,000 homes in the area surrounding St Stephen’s are receiving invitations to our 22nd Annual Cookie Walk in their mailboxes this week. Added to our faithful following from years past, we hope to attract many more of our local neighbors to kick off the Christmas season at St Stephen’s.

The St . . . → Read More: Help Wanted. No Experience Necessary.

Tick Tock, Tick Tock, …

A few parishioners were a bit taken aback on Sunday to see the Knitting Circle’s Silent Auction items lining the hallway outside the Parish Hall. “Already??” “So soon??”

Cookies, jams, jellies, greens, small gifts—all available at St Stephen’s Cookie Walk!

Their surprise is not really all that surprising to those of us who . . . → Read More: Tick Tock, Tick Tock, …

Cookie Walk: A Brazen Appeal from the Eagle

Baskets of greens are available at the Cookie Walk.

Of Course, while cookies may be the central ingredient, we also need your help in many other areas in order to make the Cookie Walk the success it has been in years past.

We need items for our children’s table and gift table, . . . → Read More: Cookie Walk: A Brazen Appeal from the Eagle

’Tis the Season to be Baking

You can tell the Cookie Walk hasn’t opened yet, because there are still cookies left.

By the time many of you receive this the elections will be over, the temperature will have dropped, and so it’s time to get down to the serious business of Cookie Walk, the central ingredient of which is, . . . → Read More: ’Tis the Season to be Baking

A First Rate Second Hand Rose Sale

The results are in! The Second Hand Rose Sale has raised a whopping $2,500 to be used toward building a playground for our Sunday School children.

Kudos and thanks to Martha Miller and her band of sisters (and brothers) for their hard work in sorting, sizing, pricing, and selling a huge amount of clothing and . . . → Read More: A First Rate Second Hand Rose Sale

Telling the Bees

(An old Gloucestershire superstition)

by the Rev’d G. E. Rees., first published in the Westminster Gazette (1917)

They dug no grave for our soldier lad, who fought and who died out there: Bugle and drum for him were dumb, and the padre said no prayer; The passing bell gave never a peal to warn that . . . → Read More: Telling the Bees