Congrats and thanks from Presiding Bishop

The Webmaster notes that he has been tardy in posting items from the Newsletter, and he apologises. He will work his way through the backlog over the next several days.

May 5th, 2012 — Dear Father Hawtin,

Please accept my sincere thanks for all you and St, Stephen’s did for the House of Bishops and . . . → Read More: Congrats and thanks from Presiding Bishop

Rule, Britannia

We’ve had a heavy dose of Britannica here at St Stephen’s recently—even more than usual. First, we had the annual visit of the St George’s Society, and this past weekend we had our annual British Garden Party and Fête. At the St George service, we sang the British National Anthem, rather than the fourth verse . . . → Read More: Rule, Britannia

What a truly wonderful consecration that was!

The Consecration of The Right Reverend John Vaughan as Suffragan Bishop of the Diocese of the Eastern United States took place at St. Stephen’s Anglican Church, Timonium, Wednesday, April 18th. Bishop Vaughan’s principal consecrators were The Most Reverend Brian Marsh, Presiding Bishop of the Anglican Church in America; The Rt. Rev. Stephen P. Strawn, Bishop . . . → Read More: What a truly wonderful consecration that was!

Women’s Club Lunch

The ladies who lunch will be dining at the Yasou Greek Restaurant on York Road, Cockeysville in the Amish Market Shopping Center at 11:45 AM on Wednesday May 12th. Please join us for good food and great fellowship at this charming new restaurant. Call Joyce Perlberg if you wish to attend. 410 252 2680

Consecration Photos

We’ve added a number of photos from the recent consecration of Bp John Vaughan.

The Right Reverend Chandler Jones (APA), who was co-consecrator with the Most Reverend Brian Marsh (ACA) and the Right Reverend Stephen Strawn (ACA), has also posted pictures on his blog, here and . . . → Read More: Consecration Photos

St Stephen’s: A canine-friendly parish

GPA Md Chapter

If you’ve visited St Stephen’s with any regularity, you’ll have noticed that the parish is very canine–friendly. The Rector set the standard, and a number of parishioners have followed suit. Four–legged creatures make regular appearances at suppers and picnics, and even Evensong (although the aren’t allowed in the . . . → Read More: St Stephen’s: A canine-friendly parish

Sermon for the Consecration of Fr. John Vaughan

The Ven. Guy P. Hawtin preached the following sermon at the Consecration of Fr. John Vaughan, Bishop-elect of the Diocese of the Eastern United States, Wednesday in the First Week After Easter, April 18th, 2012.

✠ In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen ✠.

It is . . . → Read More: Sermon for the Consecration of Fr. John Vaughan

Sign up to become a Garden Party Patron

Every civic organization seems to sponsor some sort of the ethnic festival these days. The Greeks have bouzouki music and spinach pies. The Germans, oom-pah bands and bratwurst. Back in the old days, Romans had orgies and roasted dormice.

But what do Anglican Churches have by way of ethnic festivals? Vicarage Garden Parties, of course! . . . → Read More: Sign up to become a Garden Party Patron

The Methodists invite you to their big ‘Shred-a-thon’

Timonium United Methodist Church Women have invited the people of St Stephen’s to join them in a “Shred-a-Thon” paper shredding event. It will take place on Saturday, April 28th, at Timonium United Methodist Church, 2300 Pot Spring Road, Timonium, from 10:00 AM to 12 Noon.

Identity theft has becoming a very serious problem these days. . . . → Read More: The Methodists invite you to their big ‘Shred-a-thon’

Come, see Fr. Vaughan consecrated our bishop

All of our parishioners and friends are all heartily welcome to the consecration of my good friend The Rev. John Vaughan as our new Suffragan Bishop. The service will take place here at St Stephen’s Church at 5:00 PM on Wednesday, April 18th.

“Why St Stephen’s?” you might ask. “Fr Vaughan, after all, hails from . . . → Read More: Come, see Fr. Vaughan consecrated our bishop