Remembrance Day

Most Americans probably think of November 11 as Veterans Day, but a number are old enough to remember it as “Armistice Day”, marking the conclusion of World War I, the “Great War”. But to residents of the Commonwealth nations, it is Remembrance Day.

As part of their Remembrance Day observance, residents of the Commonwealth . . . → Read More: Remembrance Day

Cookie Walk 2011 Appeal

The Cookie Walk is almost here! (You know all about the Cookie Walk, right? If not, read all about it at!

☞ We need help to assemble the Cookie Walk mailer, Tuesday & Wednesday, November 8th & 9th, beginning at 9:00 AM.

☞ We also need new and nearly new gifts, as well . . . → Read More: Cookie Walk 2011 Appeal

Brassed off with Isaac’s Cookie Walk arrogance

Posted from the Newsletter on behalf of parishioner Don Ruthig

The nerve of that eagle Isaac. He freely admits not eating cookies, much less cooking them, but yet has the brass to urge us parishioners to ante up five pounds each.

He should have been around our house at Christmas. Then he’d know something about . . . → Read More: Brassed off with Isaac’s Cookie Walk arrogance

We shall sing Evensong Sunday, November 6th

To my horror, I recently learned that several of our evensong aficionadi ventured out to St Stephen’s last month expecting Choral Evensong, only to be greeted by an empty carpark and a locked door. This is the most efficient way to lose a loyal following, and I humbly apologize to those of you who were . . . → Read More: We shall sing Evensong Sunday, November 6th

November Ingathering for At Jacob’s Well

November 4th is the first Sunday of the month, and so we are having our monthly ingathering for At Jacob’s Well, a charity which ministers to Baltimore’s homeless mentally ill. We generally collect household goods and non-perishable food items. At this season, At Jacob’s Well is especially looking for the latter:

Spaghetti and other pastas . . . → Read More: November Ingathering for At Jacob’s Well

Women’s Club Lunch

THE LADIES Who Lunch will be meeting at the Bluestone Restaurant, 11 West Aylesbury Road, Timonium, at 12 noon, Wednesday, October 19th. Join us for fellowship and very good food. To reserve, call Joyce Perlberg: 410-252-2680

Give us your time and we’ll give you supper

I suspected the Parish Life Committee had an ulterior motive when they recruited me as a member. Well, they’ve inveigled me into doing “write ups” for them in the newsletter. I must say I’m rather flattered. They obviously like my writing style. Anyway, here goes:

The summer is over and it’s time to get down . . . → Read More: Give us your time and we’ll give you supper

Silly Suppers and Harvest Festival

All good things must come to an end, at least for a season, and so this Thursday we will have our last Silly Supper of the summer. Be sure to stop by at 5:30 PM for a wonderful repast: salad, entrée, and dessert, all for $10 ($5 for children), and beverages at a nominal cost. . . . → Read More: Silly Suppers and Harvest Festival

It’s time to give Howard Burnham a fair shake!

I don’t mean to be picky, but I really donʼt think the folks who run the newsletter have given a fair shake to that great classical actor Howard Burnham, who is coming here at 7 PM on Tuesday, September 27th, to present another one of his terrific one–man shows.

This time heʼs giving us the . . . → Read More: It’s time to give Howard Burnham a fair shake!

Women’s Club Lunch

THE LADIES Who Lunch will be sampling the food at Michael’s Restaurant on York Road, Timonium at 12 noon on Wednesday, September 21st. Join us for good food, great fellowship and fun? To make your reservation call Joyce Perlberg at Tel: 410-252-2680 and say you’ll be coming.