Howard Burnham returns as James I

Four hundred years ago the King James Version of the Bible was published. But on Tuesday September 27th, you can learn about the man behind the book! To mark the 400th anniversary of the KJV, St Stephen’s proudly presents Howard Burnham’s characterization of the King who ordered the most famous English version of the . . . → Read More: Howard Burnham returns as James I

Memorial Service for Georgetta Eggleston replaces Friday Healing Eucharist

Instead of the Friday Healing Eucharist, normally scheduled for 10:30 AM, St Stephen’s will be holding a Memorial Service for Georgetta Eggleston this Friday, August 19th, at 11:00 AM.

Georgetta Eggleston (Died August 4, 2011)

On August 4, 2011, Georgetta U. Eggleston, beloved wife of the late Joseph William Eggleston, Jr.; loving mother of Drake . . . → Read More: Memorial Service for Georgetta Eggleston replaces Friday Healing Eucharist

American Red Cross Blood Drive

St. Stephens will be hosting a Blood Drive by the American Red Cross on Tuesday August 23rd between 3:30 pm & 8:00 pm. If you are able to give this gift of life, please contact Anne Hawkins at 410 913 7405 or to schedule an appointment.

August Ingathering for At Jacob’s Well

August 7th is the first Sunday of the month, and so we are having our monthly ingathering for At Jacob’s Well, a charity which ministers to Baltimore’s homeless mentally ill. We generally collect household goods and non-perishable food items, but this summer, At Jacob’s Well has a specific wish list:

Toilet Paper Laundry Detergent . . . → Read More: August Ingathering for At Jacob’s Well

New Seminary courses for the fall

Holy Trinity Seminary has announced their course offerings for the fall, and once again, one of the courses will be held at St Stephen’s. For further information, you can contact either the Church Office or Holy Trinity.

Associate in Theology: BS120 How Christians Thought through the Ages. We will weave together biography, church history, . . . → Read More: New Seminary courses for the fall

Silly Summer Suppers

Just a reminder that St Stephen’s Silly Summer Suppers are in full swing. Truth to tell, though, it’s hard to think of a less appropriate name than “Silly Summer Suppers” for these remarkable gastronomic events. The only thing silly about these suppers is the price. Where else can you get a home-cooked entrée, salad, and . . . → Read More: Silly Summer Suppers

Women’s Club Lunch

THE LADIES Who Lunch will be sampling the food at Christopher Daniel’s Restaurant on Padonia Road, Cockeysville at 12 noon on Wednesday, July 20th. Join us for good food, fellowship and fun? To make your reservation call Joyce Perlberg at Tel: 410-252-2680 and say you’ll be coming.

Fourth of July Hymnfest

This Sunday, July 3rd at 6.00 PM, come join your voice with ours in a musical tribute to the USA at our Patriotic Hymnfest, which takes the place of our usual monthly Choral Evensong. While the programme will include the usual patriotic spectaculars, we are also planning to sing the parish’s most popular hymns as . . . → Read More: Fourth of July Hymnfest

Annual Meeting, June 5th

St Stephen’s Annual Parish Meeting will take place between the 9.15 AM and the 11.15 AM services on Ascension Sunday, June 5th. Members attending the meeting will hear the Rector’s report on the state of the parish, the reports of the Treasurer and Wardens, and elect candidates for the Vestry. The candidates nominated for the . . . → Read More: Annual Meeting, June 5th

“Silly Summer Suppers” Resume!

The moment you have all been waiting for now approaches. On Thursday, June 9th, the chefs of St Stephen’s will begin the 2011 series of “Silly Summer Suppers”.

Truth to tell, its hard to think of a less appropriate name than “Silly Summer Suppers” for these remarkable gastronomic events. Not least, the food is absolutely . . . → Read More: “Silly Summer Suppers” Resume!