Annual Parish Meeting

The Ladies at Weigh Station No 1, Cookie Walk 2018

The Ladies at Weigh Station No 1, Cookie Walk 2018

Merry Christmas to All!

St Stephen’s Annual Parish Meeting will be held this Sunday, December 30th, following the 9:15 AM service.

Attached is the Parish Life Treasurers Report, which will be available at the meeting. Since the report was compiled, additional . . . → Read More: Annual Parish Meeting

The Nativity of Our Lord: Christmas Day

Pierre Nativity

¶ This Collect is to be said daily throughout the Octave.

Nativity, by Jean-Baptiste Marie Pierre (1714–89). From Wikimedia.

Almighty God, who hast given us thy only–begotten Son to take our nature upon him, and as at this time to be born of a pure virgin: Grant that we being regenerate, . . . → Read More: The Nativity of Our Lord: Christmas Day

Ladies Who Lunch, December 2018

Ladies Who Lunch December 2018

The Ladies Who Lunch were joined by the gentlemen at the Bluestone Restaurant in Timonium on December 19th, 2018. Photo courtesy Carolyn Kerouac.

The December outing of the Ladies Who Lunch is unusual in that, the one time during the year, gentlemen are invited to join in. The December 2018 outing was to . . . → Read More: Ladies Who Lunch, December 2018

Saint Clement of Alexandria

Martyrdom of St Clement

Martyrdom of St Clement, by Bernardino Fungai (1460–1516).

O God, who hast enlightened thy Church by the teaching of thy servant Clement of Alexandria: Enrich it evermore, we beseech thee, with thy heavenly grace, and raise up faithful witnesses, who by their life and doctrine may set forth to all men the truth . . . → Read More: Saint Clement of Alexandria

Choral Evensong for Advent Sunday

Rorate caeli manuscript illumination

Sunday, October 7th, 2018 at 6:00 PM

Evensong, a fusion of the monastic prayer offices Vespers and Compline, is one of the greatest treasures of the Anglican tradition. Presented by Saint Stephen’s Choir of Men & Boys on the First Sunday of the month, the service begins at 6:00 PM and ordinarily lasts about 40 . . . → Read More: Choral Evensong for Advent Sunday

Special Guests at the Cookie Walk

Santa visits the Cookie Walk at St Stephen's

We have some special guests at the Cookie Walk this year!

Everybody, and we mean everybody, shows up at St Stephen’s Cookie Walk. Who could resist all those cookies?

First, Camerata Musica will be back singing holiday selections from across the centuries. They’re scheduled to begin at 10:00 AM in the lobby. You . . . → Read More: Special Guests at the Cookie Walk

Welsh goodies at the Cookie Walk

Welsh and British specialities

The British Goods display has moved to the Lobby to accommodate the larger demand

Annie Hawkins and her husband have returned to Wales, but have no fear! Some of our intrepid parishioners have stepped in to take over her baking duties, so once again, we will have Welsh cakes, mince pies, and Christmas . . . → Read More: Welsh goodies at the Cookie Walk

Christmas Memorial Flowers

Altar at Christmas

The altar at St Stephen’s Anglican Church at Christmas

To make a contribution towards the Church Christmas decorations in honor or memory of a loved one, please download and complete this Christmas flower order form and return it to the church office by the Friday, December 22nd.

Make checks payable to . . . → Read More: Christmas Memorial Flowers

Wreaths and Gifts at the Cookie Walk

Welcome to the Cookie Walk!

Welcome to the Cookie Walk! Here is a sampling of wreaths, baskets, and centerpieces from 2017.

The main feature of the Cookie Walk, of course, is the plentiful selection of cookies. But we have other items for sale, such as homemade wreaths and small stocking-stuffer gifts. During the week before the Cookie Walk, . . . → Read More: Wreaths and Gifts at the Cookie Walk

Our extravaganza needs you! No experience required

Baskets and Wreaths

While our volunteer sheets continue to be filling up, there’s still room for you. Our annual Cookie Walk has many faithful patrons from years past, and we hope to attract many more of our local friends and neighbors to help kick off the Christmas season at Saint Stephen’s.

We certainly don’t want to disappoint all . . . → Read More: Our extravaganza needs you! No experience required