William Wilberforce

William Wilberforce

William Wilberforce, by Anton Hickel (1745–1798). From Wikipedia.

Let thy continual mercy, O Lord, enkindle in thy Church the never-failing gift of love, that, following the example of thy servant William Wilberforce, we may have grace to defend the poor, and maintain the cause of those who have no helper; for the . . . → Read More: William Wilberforce

Saint Mary and Saint Martha of Bethany

St Mary and St Martha

Christ in the House of Mary and Martha by Jan Vermeer (1623—1675)

Merciful Saviour, who didst love Mary, and Martha, and Lazarus, blessing their home with thy sacred presence: Help us, we beseech thee, to choose that better part which shall not be taken away from us, that we may grow in grace . . . → Read More: Saint Mary and Saint Martha of Bethany

Peter Chrysologus, Bishop of Ravenna, Doctor

Saint Peter Chrysologus

Saint Peter Chrysologus, School of Guercino, 17th century. From Wikipedia.

Let thy continual mercy, O Lord, enkindle in thy Church the never–failing gift of charity, that following the example of thy servant William Wilberforce, we may have grace to defend the children of the poor, and maintain the cause of them that . . . → Read More: Peter Chrysologus, Bishop of Ravenna, Doctor

Tisha B’Av

Hacker By the Waters of Babylon

Tisha B’Av, the ninth day of Av, is a fast day commemorating a number of disasters in Jewish history which occurred on that day. This includes both the destruction of Solomon’s Temple by the Babylonian Emperor Nebuchadnezzar II and the destruction of the Second Temple by the Roman Empire. Other calamities include the Children of . . . → Read More: Tisha B’Av

Our Sunday service schedule

Fr Hawtin

Services will resume at 8:00 AM, 9:15 AM and 11:00 AM and we shall be celebrating the Eucharist at all services. Sunday School will be informal.

For shut-ins and folks still in quarantine we will be continuing our video recordings of Feast Day and Sunday Eucharists. These are posted on the parish website ( . . . → Read More: Our Sunday service schedule

Saint Samson of Dol, Wales

Y Ddraig Goch

O God, the light of the faithful and shepherd of souls, who didst set blessed Samson to be a Bishop in the Church, that he might feed thy sheep by his word, and guide them by his example: Grant us, we beseech thee, to keep the faith which he taught, and to follow in . . . → Read More: Saint Samson of Dol, Wales

On the Kalendar: William Wilberforce

July from Les Petites Heures d'Anne de Bretagne

“July”, kalendar page from Les Petites Heures d’Anne de Bretagne (The Little Hours of Queen Anne of Bretagne), by the Maître des Triomphes de Pétrarque. From Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris (France).

William Wilberforce was a British politician and philanthropist who lived from 1759 to 1833. He was exposed to an evangelical . . . → Read More: On the Kalendar: William Wilberforce

William Reed Huntington, Priest

Photo of William Reed Huntington in William Reed Huntington: A Tribute of Love from William Wilkinson, 1909. From Wikipedia.

Almighty and everlasting God, the source and perfection of all virtues, who didst inspire thy servant William Reed Huntington both to do what is right and to preach what is true: Grant that . . . → Read More: William Reed Huntington, Priest

Videocast: Trinity VII, 2020

Here is a video of the Holy Eucharist “in tempore quarantinæ” for Trinity VII, 26 July 2020. You can also watch the videocast of the Trinity Eucharist on YouTube, or on the parish’s Facebook pages: Saint Stephen’s Anglican Church, and Isaac’s FB page.

The complete collection of Eucharist videocasts is also available . . . → Read More: Videocast: Trinity VII, 2020

Saint Anne, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Saint Anne

The Education of the Virgin, with Saint Joachim, Saint Anne, and the Blessed Virgin Mary, by Peter Paul Rubens (1577—1640)

O Lord God, who in the deep counsels of thy mercy didst entrust to Saint Anne the preparation of the Blessed Virgin for her most holy calling: Bestow upon all mothers such godliness . . . → Read More: Saint Anne, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary