Rogation Monday

Plow Boy

Plow Boy by Anna Mary Robertson Moses, a.k.a. “Grandma Moses” (1860–1961). From Wikiart.

Almighty God, Lord of heaven and earth: We beseech thee to pour forth thy blessing upon this land, and to give us a fruitful season; that we, constantly receiving thy bounty, may evermore give thanks unto thee in thy . . . → Read More: Rogation Monday

The Fifth Sunday after Easter, commonly called Rogation Sunday

Baptismal Font, Easter 2019

O Lord, from whom all good things do come: Grant to us thy humble servants, that by thy holy inspiration we may think those things that are good, and by thy merciful guiding may perform the same; through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

¶ Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of this week are the . . . → Read More: The Fifth Sunday after Easter, commonly called Rogation Sunday

On the Kalendar: The Ice Saints

May from Les Petites Heures d'Anne de Bretagne

“May”, kalendar page from Les Petites Heures d’Anne de Bretagne (The Little Hours of Queen Anne of Bretagne), by the Maître des Triomphes de Pétrarque. From Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris (France).

Our “On the Kalendar” post on Monday mentioned that Saint Boniface of Tarsus was one of the Ice Saints, and . . . → Read More: On the Kalendar: The Ice Saints

On the Kalendar: Boniface of Tarsus, Martyr

May from Les Petites Heures d'Anne de Bretagne

“May”, kalendar page from Les Petites Heures d’Anne de Bretagne (The Little Hours of Queen Anne of Bretagne), by the Maître des Triomphes de Pétrarque. From Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris (France).

Boniface of Tarsus is one of those fanciful saints who show up on the kalendar because of some extravagant legend, . . . → Read More: On the Kalendar: Boniface of Tarsus, Martyr

Saint Joan of Arc

Joan at the Coronation of Charles VII

Joan at the Coronation of Charles VII, by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres (1780—1867). From Wikipedia.

O God, who didst endue thy servant Saint Joan with singular courage to withstand her enemies in the evil day: Grant us grace that, enduring hardness and waxing valiant in fight, we may with her receive the crown of . . . → Read More: Saint Joan of Arc

The Conversion of Saint Augustine

Conversion of Saint Augustine

Conversion of Saint Augustine, by Fra Angelico (c. 1395–1455)

Renew in thy Church, we pray, O Lord, that spirit with which thou hast endowed thy Bishop Saint Augustine; that, filled with the same spirit, we may thirst for thee, the sole fount of true wisdom, and seek thee, the author of heavenly love; . . . → Read More: The Conversion of Saint Augustine

The Fourth Sunday after Easter

Baptismal Font, Easter 2019

O Almighty God, who alone canst order the unruly wills and affections of sinful men: Grant unto thy people, that they may love the thing which thou commandest, and desire that which thou dost promise; that so, among the sundry and manifold changes of the world, our hearts may surely there be fixed, where . . . → Read More: The Fourth Sunday after Easter

Videocast: Easter IV, 10 May 2020

Here is a video of the Eucharist for Easter IV, 10 May 2020. You can also watch the videocast on YouTube, or on the parish’s Facebook pages: Saint Stephen’s Anglican Church, and Isaac’s FB page.

Here is the Holy Eucharist “in tempore quarantinæ” for Easter IV, 10 May 2020. Easter IV

Saint Gregory of Nazianzus

Gregory the Theologian (Gregory of Nazianzus), by Andrei Rublev (1360s–late 1420s). From Wikipedia.

O God, who hast enlightened thy Church by the teaching of thy servant Gregory Nazianzus: Enrich it evermore, we beseech thee, with thy heavenly grace, and raise up faithful witnesses, who by their life and doctrine may set forth . . . → Read More: Saint Gregory of Nazianzus

Dame Julian of Norwich

Lady Julian Of Norwich

Lady Julian Of Norwich, by Stephen Reid (1873–1948).

Lord God, who in thy compassion didst grant to the Lady Julian many revelations of thy nurturing and sustaining love: Move our hearts, like hers, to seek thee above all things, for in giving us thyself thou givest us all; through Jesus Christ our Lord, . . . → Read More: Dame Julian of Norwich