Spring (Lenten) Ember Days: II

Nicolas Poussin Spring or The Earthly Paradise

Spring, or The Earthly Paradise, by Nicolas Poussin (1594–1665). From Wikipedia.

O Almighty God, who hast committed to the hands of men the ministry of reconciliation: We humbly beseech thee, by the inspiration of thy Holy Spirit, to put it into the hearts of many to offer themselves for this ministry; that . . . → Read More: Spring (Lenten) Ember Days: II

Spring (Lenten) Ember Days: I

Nicolas Poussin Spring or The Earthly Paradise

Spring, or The Earthly Paradise, by Nicolas Poussin (1594–1665). From Wikipedia.

O God, who hast made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on the face of the earth, and didst send thy blessed Son Jesus Christ to preach peace to them that are afar off and to them . . . → Read More: Spring (Lenten) Ember Days: I

On the Kalendar: Thomas Aquinas, Doctor

March from Les Petites Heures d'Anne de Bretagne

“March”, kalendar page from Les Petites Heures d’Anne de Bretagne (The Little Hours of Queen Anne of Bretagne), by the Maître des Triomphes de Pétrarque. From Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris (France).

Thomas Aquinas is one of the greatest philosophers and theologians in the history of the church. He wrote voluminously, and . . . → Read More: On the Kalendar: Thomas Aquinas, Doctor

Saint Non (Nonnita)

Y Ddraig Goch

Eternal Father, who by the motherhood of blessed Mary hast crowned the calling of women: We praise the for Saint Non and all godly matrons, who have kept thy Son’s sayings in their hearts, and taught their children the same, to thine honour and glory; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

. . . → Read More: Saint Non (Nonnita)

Saint Chad, Bishop of Lichfield

Celtic Cross

Almighty God, whose servant Chad, for the peace of the Church, relinquished cheerfully the honours that had been thrust upon him, only to be rewarded with equal responsibility: Keep us, we pray thee, from thinking of ourselves more highly than we ought to think, and ready at all times to step aside for others, . . . → Read More: Saint Chad, Bishop of Lichfield

Saint David

Flag of Saint David

O God, who in thy providence didst choose thy servant David to be the Apostle to the Welsh people, that he might cause the light of the Gospel to shine in the world: Grant us so to walk in that light, that we may come at last to the light of everlasting life; through . . . → Read More: Saint David

The First Sunday in Lent

Lenten altar

O Lord, who for our sake didst fast forty days and forty nights: Give us grace to use such abstinence, that, our flesh being subdued to the Spirit we may ever obey thy godly motions in righteousness, and true holiness, to thy honour and glory, who livest and reignest with the Father and the . . . → Read More: The First Sunday in Lent

George Herbert, Priest

George Herbert

George Herbert, by Robert White (1645–1703). From Wikipedia.

O eternal Lord God, who boldest all souls in life: We beseech thee to shed forth upon thy whole Church in paradise and on earth the bright beams of thy light and thy peace; and grant that we, following the good examples of thy . . . → Read More: George Herbert, Priest

Saint Matthias the Apostle

Saint Matthias by Rubens

Saint Matthias, by Peter Paul Rubens (1577–1640). From Wikimedia.

¶ Because this is a leap year, the Feast of Saint Matthias ought to be transferred to February 25th. It was the Roman tradition to insert the leap day following February 24th, and to repeat that day’s number, rather than adding . . . → Read More: Saint Matthias the Apostle

Felix Dies Bissextum! Happy Leap Day!

Gregory XIII calendar reform

(This post is a repeat from previous Leap Days, for the benefit of those for whom this is new material.)

“What?” you’re thinking to yourself, “Leap Day isn’t until the 29th.”

Not according to the Kalendar, which follows the guidelines set forth by Julius Caesar. The ancient Romans had this odd procedure of numbering days . . . → Read More: Felix Dies Bissextum! Happy Leap Day!