The Latest Newsletter

The medieval scribe, by Edward Laning (1906–1981) as part of the WPA Federal Art Project (WPA-FAP). From The New York Public Library.

Here is the latest newsletter: St Stephen’s News XXX No 15 April 30th, 2019

The growth of the church: A miraculous achievement

Fr Hawtin

If you were to ask Henry Ford or John D. Rockefeller, Sr. to name Jesus Christ’s most significant accomplishment here on earth, it is unlikely they would refer to any of his miracles—not even his virgin birth, his resurrection or his ascension.

And they most certainly wouldn’t mention his first miracle of all: Changing water . . . → Read More: The growth of the church: A miraculous achievement

The Latest Newsletter

hermit at work on a manuscript

Here is the latest newsletter: St Stephen’s News XXX No 14, April 23rd, 2019.

Easter Flowers For St Stephen’s Altar

Here is a selection of beautiful spring flowers to decorate the church for Easter. Please make your choice and either fill out the form available at the church or enclose a list (indicating the quantities of each flower) with your check when you mail it. All forms and checks must be received by the church . . . → Read More: Easter Flowers For St Stephen’s Altar

Loving your neighbor is not just an option

Father Ludwig was a fine preacher and an excellent writer. Recently I came across a pithy meditation he wrote some years ago. It is well worth re-reading. Please say a prayer in his memory. GPH✠

The other day a friend of mine used the term “paying it forward”? which brought immediately to mind the . . . → Read More: Loving your neighbor is not just an option

This Week’s Newsletter

Here is the coming week’s Newsletter: St Stephen’s News XXX No 13

Recent Newsletters

hermit at work on a manuscript

Detail of a miniature of a hermit at work on a manuscript, from the Estoire del Saint Graal, France (Saint-Omer or Tournai?), c. 1315 – 1325, Royal MS 14 E III, f. 6v. From the British Library, Royal MS 14 E III, f. 6v.

The most recent Newsletters are now available in . . . → Read More: Recent Newsletters

Recent Newsletters

hermit at work on a manuscript

Detail of a miniature of a hermit at work on a manuscript, from the Estoire del Saint Graal, France (Saint-Omer or Tournai?), c. 1315 – 1325, Royal MS 14 E III, f. 6v. From the British Library, Royal MS 14 E III, f. 6v.

The most recent newsletters (No’s 1 through 5, . . . → Read More: Recent Newsletters

English Church history and the wrong end of the stick

Not so long ago, the story runs, a visitor at an English Vicarage Garden Party won a day trip to heaven. When he arrived, St Peter gave him a guided tour of what turned out to be a beautiful garden. Under some shade trees, he saw people laughing, joking, playing cards, and gambling on horse . . . → Read More: English Church history and the wrong end of the stick

History is what it is—so suck it up and live with it

The plumber who fixed the leak in St Stephen’s utility closet vacationed in Ireland recently. And the thing that particularly struck him about Dublin, the capital of the Irish republic, was that its venerable buildings were largely of a similar vintage to those in Philadelphia and Baltimore.

Actually that goes for much of Europe north . . . → Read More: History is what it is—so suck it up and live with it