Our extravaganza needs you! No experience required

Baskets and Wreaths

While our volunteer sheets continue to be filling up, there’s still room for you. Our annual Cookie Walk has many faithful patrons from years past, and we hope to attract many more of our local friends and neighbors to help kick off the Christmas season at Saint Stephen’s.

We certainly don’t want to disappoint all . . . → Read More: Our extravaganza needs you! No experience required

It’s caveat emptor when it comes to commentaries

Fr Hawtin

Laity, and many clergy for that matter, would be well advised to bring a skeptical eye to bear when studying many of the books on religious subjects currently on sale. This applies to histories, books on archaeology, and, well, the many commentaries on the scriptures.

The reason for this arises from an intractable fact of . . . → Read More: It’s caveat emptor when it comes to commentaries

This Week’s Newsletter

hermit at work on a manuscript

Here is this week’s Newsletter: St Stephen’s News XXIX No 45

Tick Tock, Tick … goes the Cookie Walk Clock

getting ready for the 2017 Cookie Walk

Our Cookie Walk extravaganza is fast approaching! While our Sign-Up Sheets are starting to fill up, there are many, many gaps to plug, and time is getting a bit short. We only have about three weeks to go before CW Day.

getting ready for the 2017 Cookie Walk

I would like to, again, . . . → Read More: Tick Tock, Tick … goes the Cookie Walk Clock

You simply can’t redefine sin by the discernment process

Fr Hawtin

For the past half a century or so, America’s mainline churches have shown an increasing enthusiasm for embracing ideas that are unequivocally condemned in the Bible—an inclination that has seriously undermined their standing as arbiters of morality among much of the population.

The curious thing about the controversies embroiling America’s mainline churches—partly, but by no . . . → Read More: You simply can’t redefine sin by the discernment process

Today a policeman’s lot is not a very happy one

Fr Hawtin

Policemen were among our greatest heroes when I was a boy—not just the cops on the silver screen and radio (TV service was quite rudimentary back then), but those who patrolled the highways and byways of England’s villages and cities.

Like their American counterparts, they were tough guys—that goes without saying. But, except on embassy . . . → Read More: Today a policeman’s lot is not a very happy one

Cookie Walk ’18: Getting ready for The Big Event!

Cookie Walk 2016 / Baltimore Sun

Well, the temperatures are getting to be more seasonal, and with them our moods should be turning toward preparations for the Annual Cookie Walk. Along with Thanksgiving decorations in our houses, the anticipation of fresh cookie dough aromas should be entering our collective consciences.

Cookie Walk 2016 /(Steve Ruark / Baltimore Sun . . . → Read More: Cookie Walk ’18: Getting ready for The Big Event!

This week’s Newsletter

hermit at work on a manuscript

Here is this week’s newsletter: St Stephen’s News XXIX No 44

This Week’s Newsletter

Here is this week’s Newsletter: St Stephen’s News XXIX No 43

Barbarism and decadence: In praise of the bon mot

Political discourse in America, it is fervently to be hoped, reached its nadir in Brooklyn recently when a gathering of witches solemnly cursed the newly installed justice of the Supreme Court, expressing the ugliest of sentiments in language that encompassed both the vile and the banal.

This isn’t a complaint about the fact that these . . . → Read More: Barbarism and decadence: In praise of the bon mot