It’s time to start thinking about Cookie Walk 2018

cookie table

It is time to get down to some serious business! The Parish Life Committee had its initial Cookie Walk meeting on Sunday, October 21st, during which we discussed various and sundry items in preparation for Cookie Walk Week (November 26 to 30).

sooo many cookies …

There are a number of important tasks . . . → Read More: It’s time to start thinking about Cookie Walk 2018

Recent Newsletters

hermit at work on a manuscript

The most recent Newsletters:

St Stephen’s News XXIX No 41 St Stephen’s News XXIX No 42

Prayer Book’s history goes back beyond 16th century

Fr Hawtin

Casual students of Church history are probably under the impression that the first English Prayer Book is the First Prayer Book of King Edward VI, which was authorized for use in 1549. Indeed, this wonderful book is the ancestor of all the Books of Common Prayer in use today.

The English Church played a major . . . → Read More: Prayer Book’s history goes back beyond 16th century

Manners maketh man … or not as the case may be

Fr Hawtin

The ugliness that has characterized what shamefully passes for political discourse in Washington represents a further escalation of the bitter partisanship that has been increasingly poisoning social relationships in the country since the late 1960s.

Once upon a time, spirited partisanship was largely confined to the political arena, manifesting itself among the general public only . . . → Read More: Manners maketh man … or not as the case may be

Is Washington ready for a return of John Wilkes?

The song “A Boy Named Sue” has resonated with me ever since I heard the late great Johnny Cash sing it on the radio. That’s because I share poor old Sue’s problem. Actually, my discomfiture is far greater than his. Sue merely totes a generic girl’s name. I, by contrast, bear the name of Britain’s . . . → Read More: Is Washington ready for a return of John Wilkes?

Mrs Tracey Collins joins the Vestry

Fr Hawtin

Mrs Tracey Collins, a member of the Sunday School staff, has been appointed to join the Vestry in place of the long-serving vestryman Gordon Turner. The daughter of former vestryman Mrs Dorothy Lewis, Mrs Collins has been a member of the parish since the early 1990s. Her daughter Daytona also teaches Sunday School, and her . . . → Read More: Mrs Tracey Collins joins the Vestry

The Music Schedule for the Remainder of October

schola woodcut

Sunday, October 21st 9:15 AM — Choral Eucharist Sung by the Gentlemen of the Choir 11:00 AM Choral Mattins Sung by the Gentlemen of the Choir

Sunday, October 28th 11:00 AM — Choral Mattins

How about a Mom’s Morning?

All Moms interested in bringing their 5-and-under children to meet at St Stephen’s weekly are invited to a preliminary meeting to discuss times and days on Oct 28th after the 9:15 AM service in the Sunday school classroom. Call Carolyn Kerouac at (203) 500-9098 ( ) to discuss.

Edited to correct Carolyn’s email . . . → Read More: How about a Mom’s Morning?

A vital life lesson from a Roman soap opera

Fr Hawtin

Television has never come high among my priorities. Truth to tell, I have never developed the habit of watching much other than the news. This is possibly a consequence of several years of working behind what used to be called the Iron Curtain—a place where television programs were as dull as the architecture. One, I . . . → Read More: A vital life lesson from a Roman soap opera

Cool curmudgeons preserve traditions

Fr Hawtin

Tradition is a vital ingredient in the cement that binds society together. And it is the casual shucking off of ancient traditions, for no better reason than they are ancient, that reflects that growing uncouthness that characterizes not only public debate, but so many aspects of society.

Folks who deplore the abandonment of time honored . . . → Read More: Cool curmudgeons preserve traditions