It’s a fact: Tolerance is a two–way street!

Fr Hawtin

America’s self-appointed arbiters of morality devote much time and energy to lecturing the peasantry (that’s us) on the need for “tolerance”—a virtue that apparently entails accepting uncritically all manner of unpleasant, antisocial and offensive behavior.

Since I hail from England, tolerance is an area in which I claim a modest degree of expertise. The . . . → Read More: It’s a fact: Tolerance is a two–way street!


Issues 34 and 35 are available:

St Stephen’s News XXIX No 34 September 4th

St Stephen’s News XXIX No 35 September 11th

And as a reminder, all newsletters are available in our Library:

Explaining the Anglican two finger typographical tradition

The British Railways Lost Property Office was the place where travelers were usually able to retrieve overcoats, umbrellas or briefcases absent-mindedly left on station benches and carriage luggage racks.

Indeed, it was quite normal in the distant, rather more honest, days of my youth for folks to turn in lost items rather than making . . . → Read More: Explaining the Anglican two finger typographical tradition

The remarkable life of the father of English hymnody

Isaac Watts

Soon after Charlotte and I married, my mother-in-law revealed to me her secret for staying awake during long and boring sermons. “I leaf through the hymnal,” she said, “The composers of so many of the hymns are so much more eloquent than the preachers. Just take Isaac Watts.” Our former Associate Rector James Johnson would . . . → Read More: The remarkable life of the father of English hymnody


miniature of St Dunstan at work

Issues 32 and 33 are available:

St Stephen’s News XXIX No 32

St Stephen’s News XXIX No 33

And as a reminder, all newsletters are available in our Library:

This Week’s Newsletter

Scriptorium monk at work

Here is this week’s newsletter: St Stephen’s News XXIX, No 31

This Week’s Newsletter

new church tower with weathercock-bw

Here is this week’s newsletter: St Stephen’s News XXIX No 28

This Week’s Newsletter

new church tower with weathercock-bw

Here is this week’s newsletter: St Stephen’s News XXIX No 27

This Week’s Newsletter

new church tower with weathercock-bw

Here is this week’s newsletter: St Stephen’s News XXIX No 26

Fund raising at Texas Roadhouse

Good food, warm fellowship, tasty baked goods made a fun and profitable Wednesday, June 20th. All told, the evening raised $405 for the parish. The home-made cookies were a great success, as was the raffle, and we look forward to partnering with Texas Roadhouse again.

Betsy, our retired Red Cross rep and now public relations . . . → Read More: Fund raising at Texas Roadhouse