This Week’s Newsletter

new church tower with weathercock-bw

Here is this week’s newsletter: St Stephen’s News XXIX No 5

This Week’s Newsletter

new church tower with weathercock-bw

Here is this week’s newsletter: St Stephen’s News XXIX No 4

The Bible: A great profit comes throughout the land

Publishing house publicity departments never tire of trumpeting the fact that The Bible is world’s best selling book. But, truth to tell, it has been on the bestseller list ever since it first came out.

Next time you visit a bookshop, stroll over to the Religious Section and take look at the different editions of . . . → Read More: The Bible: A great profit comes throughout the land

The decline and fall of the American neighborhood

When our children were young, they would routinely lament that we were much stingier and far less permissive than the parents of all their friends—not merely the parents of their closest friends but of their most casual acquaintances.

To hear our kids tell it, their friends’ moms and dads not only would never have dreamed . . . → Read More: The decline and fall of the American neighborhood

This Week’s Newsletter

new church tower with weathercock-bw

Here is this week’s newsletter: St Stephen’s News XXIX No 3

Maryland: unique history we should be proud of

Back in November, when we were honoring our service men on Veteran’s Day Weekend (otherwise known as Armistice Day/Day of Remembrance), those of you who attended the 9:15 AM Service on November 12th noticed a change in the ceremonial presentation of the American Flag.

Instead of one of the acolytes presenting the Flag, three veteran . . . → Read More: Maryland: unique history we should be proud of

This Week’s Newsletter

new church tower with weathercock-bw

Here is this week’s newsletter: St Stephen’s News XXIX No 2

Serving parish and community

In case you are wondering, the Parish Life Committee is the social and fundraising arm of this church. We plan numerous events to bring parishioners, friends, family, and neighbors together and, also, to raise money for our many endeavors.

We pledge to the church the sum of $12,000 a year. We raise this with events . . . → Read More: Serving parish and community

This Week’s Newsletter

new church tower with weathercock-bw

Here is this week’s newsletter: St Stephen’s News XXIX No 1

Nicknames as terms of divine affection

We get so much spam in our e-mail it is hard to give the worthwhile stuff the attention it deserves. In any event, I was skimming the Fortnightly Newsletter of the Diocese of the Holy Cross recently and was much taken with a meditation on nicknames by The Rt. Rev. Paul Hewett SSC, the diocese’s . . . → Read More: Nicknames as terms of divine affection