Who benefits in the fight against national obesity?

Who benefits in the fight against national obesity?

Maybe it’s because Christmas is coming and the goose is getting fat, I recently called to mind a conversation I overheard many years ago between three elderly, distinguished, and decidedly rotund bishops. They were discussing the nature of sin. Ultimately they decided that gluttony was their favorite.

. . . → Read More: Who benefits in the fight against national obesity?

This Week’s Newsletter

new church tower with weathercock-bw

Here is this week’s newsletter: St Stephen’s News XXVIII No 49

Whose Christmas is it?

Twenty years or so ago a stalwart of our weekly Communion at the Glen Meadows Retirement Community was a retired radio broadcaster called Miss Alice Thomas.

Unlike today when folks with all manner of ugly and irritating voices populate the airways, Alice had a golden voice. You could sit and listen to her for hours.

. . . → Read More: Whose Christmas is it?

Cookie Walk 2017 was a huge $9,000-plus success!

cookies at the 2017 Cookie Walk

In the fall of 1992, St. Stephen’s bought land for our church building. Even though we had not yet broken ground, the late Jack Kohler—a prickly, but remarkably talented character who over the years had graced many Baltimore parishes—suggested we hold a Christmas sale in the house on the property.

getting ready . . . → Read More: Cookie Walk 2017 was a huge $9,000-plus success!

Figuring out a sure–fire way to get to heaven

We are now in Advent—the church season in which we look forward not to Christmas, the time of Jesus’ First Coming but to his Second Coming, when he will arrive “in power and great majesty to judge both the quick and the dead.”

It’s a frightening prospect, which explains our fascination with figuring out a . . . → Read More: Figuring out a sure–fire way to get to heaven

This Week’s Newsletter

new church tower with weathercock-bw

Here is this week’s newsletter: St Stephen’s News XXVIII No 48

This Week’s Newsletter

new church tower with weathercock-bw

Here is this week’s newsletter: St Stephen’s News XXVIII No 47

Blaming all our social ills on sex strains credulity

It is tempting to join in the chorus of dennunciations prompted by the avalanche of sexual harrassment allegations embarrassing Washinton’s political elite. Denouncing sins committed by others is such glorious fun that we all-too-often overlook the dangers inherent in doing so.

As our Lord pointed out in the Sermon on the Mount, the trouble with . . . → Read More: Blaming all our social ills on sex strains credulity

There are perils in hiding from unfashionable realities

Geography has not been taught as a subject in public schools, here or on the other side of the Atlantic, for decades. The same is true of history, geography’s companion discipline. The two subjects are now loosely lumped together under the heading “Social Studies.” If Social Studies were simply a harmonization and rationalization of two . . . → Read More: There are perils in hiding from unfashionable realities

The Seven Deadly Sins need to go

Forget about the Collect for the Twenty First Sunday After Trinity. It is entirely out of step with the spirit of the age. The traditional sins—especially the seven deadly ones, namely pride, envy, gluttony, sloth, et al.—are as outmoded as last summer’s beach wear. They have been replaced with two new and all-embracing sins against . . . → Read More: The Seven Deadly Sins need to go