We add a unique new community mission

State of the Parish 2016/2017—Part II

Our Parish Meeting takes place between the 9:15 AM and 11:00 AM services on Sunday, October 29th. This is yhe second part of the Rector’s State of the Parish Report that will be offered at the meeting. The first part will was published in last week’s newsletter.

A unique . . . → Read More: We add a unique new community mission

This Week’s Newsletter

new church tower with weathercock-bw

Here is this week’s newsletter: St Stephen’s News XXVIII No 41

A year that brings the Curate’s egg to mind

State of the Parish 2016/2017—Part I

Our Parish Meeting takes place between the 9:15 AM and 11:00 AM services on Sunday, October 29th. Here is the first part of the Rector’s State of the Parish Report that will be offered at the meeting. The second part will be published in next week’s newsletter.

Best part . . . → Read More: A year that brings the Curate’s egg to mind

This Week’s Newsletter

Here is this weeks’ newsletter: St Stephen’s News XXVIII No 40

Discourtesy is to blame for bitter partisanship

In recent years we have been treated to much wailing and gnashing of teeth in the media about the bitterly partisan atmosphere in Washington, where the political denizens have elevated it to the level of an art form—albeit a notably ugly and intellectually dishonest one.

Actually, it’s hard to believe the media hasn’t noticed that . . . → Read More: Discourtesy is to blame for bitter partisanship

This Week’s Newsletter

new church tower with weathercock-bw

Here is this week’s newsletter: St Stephen’s News XXVIII No 39

Annual report to show an 11 percent drop in giving

My report to St Stephen’s Annual Parish Meeting on Sunday, October 29th will show that over the past 12 months giving at St Stephen’s has fallen by 11 percent from $283,173 to $252,453.

At the same time, the parish’s total income has declined by almost 15 per cent (or $54,032) from $369,220 to $315,188. As . . . → Read More: Annual report to show an 11 percent drop in giving

Dealing with the basic human impulse to discount miracles

Have you ever wondered why Jesus chose to inaugurate his ministry here on earth by turning water into wine to bail out a pair of embarrassed newly–weds? It used to puzzle me a lot. If I were the Son of God, I would have done something a lot more spectacular.

I would have raised somebody . . . → Read More: Dealing with the basic human impulse to discount miracles

This Week’s Newsletter

new church tower with weathercock-bw

Here is this week’s newsletter: St Stephen’s News XXVIII No 38

A case of Animal rights versus Animal Crackers

Our recent Harvest Festival was a sorely needed affair: Americans are increasingly losing touch with “the land”—a synonym for agriculture and the source of their “daily bread.” Indeed, few of us these days seem to appreciate the role God’s grace plays in putting food on our tables. In fact, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration . . . → Read More: A case of Animal rights versus Animal Crackers