Time to put the backwoods back into public education

More than any previous generation, we are told, Americans aged 18 and under are thoroughly detached from traditional Christian concepts. By and large they do not believe Jesus Christ is the unique savior of mankind. They do not read the Bible as God’s word. And they do not accept the idea of moral absolutes.

“Futurists” . . . → Read More: Time to put the backwoods back into public education

There’s nothing silly about our Silly Summer Suppers

Silly Summer Supper

The moment you have all been waiting has arrived. At 6:30 PM, each Wednesday, starting July 12th, the chefs of St. Stephen’s will be serving the 2017 series of “Silly Summer Suppers”.

It’s hard to think of a less appropriate name than “Silly Summer Suppers” for these remarkable gastronomic events. The food is absolutely . . . → Read More: There’s nothing silly about our Silly Summer Suppers

An effort to root out genius at Cambridge University

The rivalry between Britain’s Oxford and Cambridge Universities is generally good-natured—but nonetheless real for all that. Members of Oxford’s faculty and student body, for example, habitually avoid referring to Cambridge directly by name. Instead, they call it “the other place.”

When Cambridge decided to start teaching engineering, the best part of a half-century ago, “Oxford . . . → Read More: An effort to root out genius at Cambridge University

This Week’s Newsletter

new church tower with weathercock-bw

Here is this week’s newsletter: St Stephen’s News XXVIII No 24

This Week’s Newsletter

new church tower with weathercock-bw

Here is this week’s newsletter: St Stephen’s News XXVIII No 23

Summers with matches, a ball of string & a slingshot

Summers were endlessly sunny when I was a boy—at least that’s the way I remember them. Actually, that’s arrant nonsense. I grew up in southern England where rain is virtually a permanent climatic condition. But I’ve probably wiped the rainy days from my memory because we boys always spent our summers outside.

I’m sure if . . . → Read More: Summers with matches, a ball of string & a slingshot

Marginalizing Christianity carries a very high price

“Things fall apart; the center cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of innocence is drowned …”

—W. B. Yeats, “The Second Coming”

Washington and the capitals of Europe are currently awash with scandals—both real and imagined. Revelations, for example, that the former . . . → Read More: Marginalizing Christianity carries a very high price

This Week’s Newsletter

new church tower with weathercock-bw

Here is this week’s newsletter: St Stephen’s News XXVIII No 22

Miracles illustrate our place in God’s scheme

Many folks who consider themselves Christians profess to see little value in studying the Old Testament. “It’s just a collection of bloodthirsty, primitive legends,” a “progressive” friend once explained to me.

The same chap dismissed the miracles described in the scriptures for much the same reason. “I don’t need miracles to persuade me to believe . . . → Read More: Miracles illustrate our place in God’s scheme

This Week’s Newsletter

new church tower with weathercock-bw

Here is this week’s newsletter: St Stephen’s News XXVIII No 21