The Sunday School needs your help!

Sunday School

The Sunday School has been blessed with many new children this year. We need some extra help with our toddlers during the 9:15 AM Sunday service. Please sign up in the Cadwalader Room for the Sundays you are able to help. Many hands make light work! DIANE NOVICKI

. . . → Read More: The Sunday School needs your help!

We are trying to keep
 a roof over our heads

We should all have an abiding affection for our church roof—and not just because it keeps out the rain and snow. Back in the early 90s, just before construction got under way, there was some question as to whether the county planning people would permit us to have a roof at all.

It happened like . . . → Read More: We are trying to keep
 a roof over our heads

Lancelot Andrewes,
 Bishop of Winchester

Engraving of Lancelot Andrewes by Simon de Passe. From Wikimedia.

Lancelot Andrewes was one of the great writers and churchmen of his day. Born in 1555, he received his Master of Arts degree at Cambridge in 1578. He was quite a polyglot, having mastered most of the languages of Western Europe. Andrewes . . . → Read More: Lancelot Andrewes,
 Bishop of Winchester

This Week’s Newsletter

Here is this week’s newsletter: St Stephens News XXVI No 38

How media betrays the
 nation and its investors

The incompetent narcissists who produce America’s mainstream media have for decades been betraying both the nation and their shareholders—a fact that has been made manifest in the media’s coverage of the run–up to the 2016 Presidential Election.

Indeed, it should be clear—beyond all doubt—that it is the media that is primarily responsible for the extraordinarily . . . → Read More: How media betrays the
 nation and its investors

This Week’s Newsletter

Here is this week’s newsletter: St Stephens News XXVI No 37

This Week’s Newsletter

Here is this week’s newsletter: St Stephens News XXVI No 36

The Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity

Trinity (celtic knot)

Almighty and everlasting God, give unto us the increase of faith, hope, and charity; and, that we may obtain that which thou dost promise, make us to love that which thou dost command; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

This Week’s Newsletter

Here is this week’s newsletter: St Stephens News XXVI No 34

Remember to pray for your 
life—even if you are busy

People who have gotten out of the habit of saying their prayers frequently feel self–conscious and embarrassed about taking it up again. But it’s vitally important to make the effort—and by no means solely for the sake of your spiritual health.

Scientific studies show that prayer is good for your physical health as well. Patients . . . → Read More: Remember to pray for your 
life—even if you are busy