Cookie Walk: A Brazen Appeal from the Eagle

Baskets of greens are available at the Cookie Walk.

Of Course, while cookies may be the central ingredient, we also need your help in many other areas in order to make the Cookie Walk the success it has been in years past.

We need items for our children’s table and gift table, . . . → Read More: Cookie Walk: A Brazen Appeal from the Eagle

’Tis the Season to be Baking

You can tell the Cookie Walk hasn’t opened yet, because there are still cookies left.

By the time many of you receive this the elections will be over, the temperature will have dropped, and so it’s time to get down to the serious business of Cookie Walk, the central ingredient of which is, . . . → Read More: ’Tis the Season to be Baking

A First Rate Second Hand Rose Sale

The results are in! The Second Hand Rose Sale has raised a whopping $2,500 to be used toward building a playground for our Sunday School children.

Kudos and thanks to Martha Miller and her band of sisters (and brothers) for their hard work in sorting, sizing, pricing, and selling a huge amount of clothing and . . . → Read More: A First Rate Second Hand Rose Sale

Dutch Treat name Speculaas

Cookie Walk is Saturday, December 1st, from 9:00 AM until 1:00 PM. We’re asking each parish family for ten pounds of cookies to make this year better than ever. To encourage your contribution, we’re providing recipes that have proven especially popular in the past.

Variations of speculaas (or speculoos) are common in the Low Countries, . . . → Read More: Dutch Treat name Speculaas


Cookie Walk is Saturday, December 1st, from 9:00 AM until 1:00 PM. We’re asking each parish family for ten pounds of cookies to make this year better than ever. To encourage your contribution, we’re providing recipes that have proven especially popular in the past.

Hermits are a traditional American recipe. They are a particularly flavorsome . . . → Read More: Hermits

The Cookie Walk Secret

The secret of a successful Cookie Walk is scrumptious, homemade COOKIES—your scrumptious home made cookies, to be precise. And every year the Parish Life Committee asks each parish family to contribute at least ten pounds of cookies to the Cookie Walk.

Just a few of the varieties of cookies available (Cookie . . . → Read More: The Cookie Walk Secret

Please help us to meet our 1,000 lbs sales goal

A Brazen Appeal from the Eagle

Saturday, December 1st is the date for our Twenty First Annual Cookie Walk. It will take place from 9:00 AM ’til 1:00 PM at the church. We have a great sale in the making, including wonderful cookies, jams and jellies, peanut brittle, bean soup, greens, table arrangements, wreaths, candied . . . → Read More: Please help us to meet our 1,000 lbs sales goal

Secondhand Rose, Second time around

Our Secondhand Rose Sale last week was quite a success. We have raised a considerable amount of money for the Sunday School playground. On the other hand, our donors surpassed themselves in their generosity, and we still have a substantial amount of gently-used clothing and accessories for sale. So we’re going for Round . . . → Read More: Secondhand Rose, Second time around

Join us for the parish’s traditional Fall Picnic

St Stephen’s oldest tradition—the Annual Fall Picnic—will take place at the home of Ellen Reather on scenic Dulaney Valley Road, Glen Arm, Sunday, October 14th at 1:00 PM. If great food, good company, and crisp country air appeal to you, this is an event not to be missed.

Ellen’s gracious home—address: 13201 Dulaney Valley Road, . . . → Read More: Join us for the parish’s traditional Fall Picnic

Our “Secondhand Rose” sale

Some folks (our rector, for example) seem quite incapable of throwing things out. The rector not only still owns the suit he was married in, but the sports jacket and slacks he wore on his honeymoon. In fact, his closets would fill a fashion museum with garments stretching back through the “Swinging London” era of . . . → Read More: Our “Secondhand Rose” sale