There’s nothing silly about our Silly Summer Suppers

Silly Summer Supper

The moment you have all been waiting has arrived. At 6:30 PM, each Wednesday, starting July 12th, the chefs of St. Stephen’s will be serving the 2017 series of “Silly Summer Suppers”.

It’s hard to think of a less appropriate name than “Silly Summer Suppers” for these remarkable gastronomic events. The food is absolutely . . . → Read More: There’s nothing silly about our Silly Summer Suppers

A little bit of Britain in the heart of Timonium

There were sunny smiles—if not sunny skies—at this year’s Garden Party and Fête. Again St Stephen’s provided a bit of Britain to the neighborhood with authentic food, pub offerings, a maypole, and a festive lawn party atmosphere as only the British can provide. Gross receipts totaled over $7,000.

The John F. Nicoll . . . → Read More: A little bit of Britain in the heart of Timonium

Jumble at the Garden Party

White Elephant booth

One of the highlights of St Stephen’s annual Garden Party and Fête is the Portobello Road White Elephant Booth. This booth features some of the most elegant jumble in the state of Maryland. Glassware, china, kitchen appliances, knick-knacks, bric-a-brac, curios, you name it. The objects range from the mundane to the eccentric. And everything is . . . → Read More: Jumble at the Garden Party

Afternoon Tea at the Garden Party

Garden Party panorama

You don’t have to travel to England to have a genuine Afternoon Tea. You can find one right here in the Baltimore suburbs—at St Stephen’s annual Garden Party and Fête, 6 May 2017, from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Tea is served in Quimby Hall (the Parish Hall), with continuous service for the duration . . . → Read More: Afternoon Tea at the Garden Party

Punch and Judy at the Garden Party

Punch and Judy at 2014 Garden Party

Have you ever seen a Punch & Judy show? We mean, a real Punch & Judy show? If you haven’t, now’s your chance. And if you’ve seen Professor Horn’s Punch & Judy Show at previous Garden Parties, you’ll know how riotously funny it is. There are jokes for all ages, and all the slapstick you’d . . . → Read More: Punch and Judy at the Garden Party

Cookie Walk in the News!

Cookie Walk 2016 / Baltimore Sun

Cookie Walk 2016 /(Steve Ruark / Baltimore Sun Media Group)

St Stephen’s Cookie Walk (which, by all accounts, was a great success) was covered by the local news media. Check out this gallery of pictures in the Baltimore Sun.

. . . → Read More: Cookie Walk in the News!

Welsh delicacies at the Cookie Walk

British Goods by Annie

One of the highlights of St Stephen’s annual Cookie Walk—something you are unlikely to find anywhere else—is our abundance of ethnic foods—specifically, English and Welsh delicacies. Annie must spend the entire week before Cookie Walk baking and cooking. The result is a wonderful assortment of genuine Christmas Puddings (hard sauce available separately), Welsh cakes, and . . . → Read More: Welsh delicacies at the Cookie Walk

Parish Life Meeting, November 8th, 2016

Here are the minutes for the Parish Life Committee meeting on November 8th, 2016.

Cookie Walk Jams and Jellies 2016

Cookie Walk Jams and Jellies

Each year we have an amazing array of homemade jams and jellies available. Surely you can find something on this list as a stocking stuffer for all of your family and friends! Jars are 8 ounces and $5.00 apiece.

Here are the jams and jellies available for the 2016 Cookie Walk!

Strawberry Blueberry Peach . . . → Read More: Cookie Walk Jams and Jellies 2016

Knitting Circle Silent Auction 2016

Silent Auction Items

Check out the stunning items in the Knitting Circle’s Silent Auction, an integral part of the 2016 Cookie Walk! Proceeds from the silent auction go to Heifer, International. . . . → Read More: Knitting Circle Silent Auction 2016