Emergency plumbers

Brian and Victoria Mullaney fixing a water problem at Saint Stephen's

A hearty thanks to Brian and Victoria Mullaney for spending part of their Saturday night (last night) fixing a water problem. Photo courtesy Carolyn Kerouac.

Brian and Victoria Mullaney fixing a water problem at Saint Stephen’s

. . . → Read More: Emergency plumbers

Sermons for Advent IV and Christmas Day

Fr Kerouac

Here are Fr Kerouac’s sermons for Advent 4 and Christmas Day.

Veterans Day

Remembrance Day poppy

Almighty God, our heavenly Father, in whose hands are the living and the dead: We give thee thanks for all those thy servants who have laid down their lives in the service of our country. Grant to them thy mercy and the light of thy presence, that the good work which thou hast begun . . . → Read More: Veterans Day

Sermon for St Simon & St Jude, 2018

Portrait of Fr Mike Kerouac

Fr Kerouac’s sermon for St Simon & St Jude, October 28th, 2018: St Simon & St Jude, 2018

Sermon for Trinity XX, 2018

Portrait of Fr Mike Kerouac

Here is Fr Kerouac’s sermon for Trinity 20, 2018.

Fr Ludwig’s Sermon for Trinity 18

Here is Fr Ludwig’s sermon for Trinity 18, 2018

The Sermon for Sunday September 23rd – Trinity XVII

Portrait of Fr Mike Kerouac

Here is the sermon for Sunday September 23rd: Trinity 17, 2018

Recent Sermons by Fr Kerouac

Portrait of Fr Mike Kerouac

Here are the most recent sermons by Fr Kerouac:

Trinity 9, 2018 July 29th Trinity 12, 2018 August 19th Trinity 15, 2018 September 9th

test 3

An alchemist in his laboratory

test 3 from wordpress

An alchemist in his laboratory. From Wikimedia.


test 1

An alchemist in his laboratory

test 1

An alchemist in his laboratory. From Wikimedia.