The Sermon for Sunday October 23rd – Trinity XXII

Fr Kerouac

Here is the sermon for Sunday October 23rd:Trinity 22, 2016

The Sermon for Sunday October 16th – Trinity XXI

Fr Hawtin

Here is the sermon for Sunday October 16th: Trinity 21, 2016

The Sermon for Sunday October 2nd – Trinity XIX

Fr Kerouac

Here is the sermon for Sunday October 2nd: Trinity 19, 2016

The Sermon for Sunday September 18th – Trinity XVII

Fr Michael Belt

Here is the sermon for Sunday September 18th: Trinity 17, 2016

Sermon for 21 August 2016: Trinity XIII

Parable of the Good Samaritan

“Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves? And he said, He that shewed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise.”

✠ In The Name of The Father and of The Son And of The Holy Ghost. Amen.

A dear friend . . . → Read More: Sermon for 21 August 2016: Trinity XIII

The Sermon for Sunday September 11th – Trinity 16

Fr Kerouac

Here is the sermon for Sunday September 11th: Trinity 16, 2016

The Sermon for Sunday September 4th – Trinity XV

Fr Hawtin

Here is the sermon for Sunday September 4th: Trinity 15, 2016

The Sermon for Sunday August 28th – Trinity XIV

Fr Kerouac

Here is the sermon for Sunday August 28th: Trinity 14, 2016

The Sermon for Sunday August 14th – Trinity XII

Fr Kerouac

Here is the sermon for Sunday August 14th: Trinity 12, 2016

The Sermon for Sunday August 7th – Trinity XI

Fr Hawtin

Here is the sermon for Sunday August7th: Trinity 11, 2016