The Sunday next before Advent

Trinity (celtic knot)

Stir up, we beseech thee, O Lord, the wills of thy faithful people; that they, plenteously bringing forth the fruit of good works, may by thee be plenteously rewarded; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

William Byrd, John Merbecke, and Thomas Tallis, Musicians

William Byrd

William Byrd. From Wikipedia.

Sound out thy majesty, O God, and call us to thy work, so that like thy servants William Byrd, John Merbecke, and Thomas Tallis, we might present our lives and our works to thy glory alone; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and . . . → Read More: William Byrd, John Merbecke, and Thomas Tallis, Musicians

Saint Edmund, King of East Anglia, Martyr

Edmund being martyred

Edmund being martyred, from a medieval manuscript. From Wikipedia.

O God, in whose strength Saint Edmund the King stood firm against the heathen, and at the cost of his own life was the saving of his people: Let him be a leader to encourage us to vanquish every assault of the enemy; . . . → Read More: Saint Edmund, King of East Anglia, Martyr

Saint Mechthild, Beguine of Magdeburg, Mystic

Mechthild von Magdeburg

Draw near to the souls of thy people, O God, that like thy servant

Mechthild von Magdeburg. From Wikipedia.

Mechthild we may yearn to know thee ever more, just as we are known intimately by thee, who knowest each one of us better than we can know ourselves. All this we ask . . . → Read More: Saint Mechthild, Beguine of Magdeburg, Mystic

Saint Elizabeth of Hungary

Saint Elizabeth of Thuringia

Saint Elizabeth of Thuringia, by Francisco de Zurbarán (1598–1664). From Wikipedia

O merciful God, enlighten the hearts of thy faithful people, that, following the example of blessed Elizabeth, they may learn to set their affection on things above where true joys are to be found; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

. . . → Read More: Saint Elizabeth of Hungary

Saint Hilda, Abbess of Whitby

St Hilda memorial with ammonites

O God, the author of all virtues, by whose gift thy blessed Saint Hilda chose the heavenly vision before the fleeting glories of the world: Grant that we may learn by her example to despise the passing things of earth, and seek after the things which are eternal; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

. . . → Read More: Saint Hilda, Abbess of Whitby

Saint Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln

Hugh of Lincoln

Altarpiece from the Carthusian monastery of Saint-Honoré, Thuison-les-Abbeville, France, depicting Saint Hugh of Lincoln with his swan.

O merciful Father, who didst endow thy servant Hugh of Lincoln with a wise and cheerful boldness, and didst teach him how to commend the discipline of holy life to kings and princes: Grant that we, . . . → Read More: Saint Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln

Saint Margaret, Queen of Scotland

Saint Margaret of Scotland

Saint Margaret of Scotland. Detail from a medieval manuscript.

O God, who didst call thy servant Margaret to an earthly throne that she might advance thy heavenly kingdom, and didst give her zeal for thy Church and love for thy people: Mercifully grant that we who commemorate her this day may be fruitful . . . → Read More: Saint Margaret, Queen of Scotland

The Twenty–Third Sunday after Trinity  

Trinity (celtic knot)

O God, our refuge and strength, who art the author of all godliness: Be ready, we beseech thee, to hear the devout prayers of thy Church; and grant that those things which we ask faithfully we may obtain effectually; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

. . . → Read More: The Twenty–Third Sunday after Trinity  

Saint Dyfrig (Dubricius)

Y Ddraig Goch

O God, the light of the faithful and shepherd of souls, who didst set blessed Dyfrig to be a Bishop in the Church, that he might feed thy sheep by his word, and guide them by his example: Grant us, we beseech thee, to keep the faith which he taught, and to follow in . . . → Read More: Saint Dyfrig (Dubricius)