The Consecration of Samuel Seabury

Samuel Seabury

We give thee thanks, O Lord our God, for thy goodness in bestowing upon this Church the gift of the episcopate, which we celebrate in this remembrance of the consecration of Samuel Seabury; and we pray that, joined together in unity with our bishops, and nourished by thy holy Sacraments, we may proclaim the . . . → Read More: The Consecration of Samuel Seabury

All Saints of Wales

Y Ddraig Goch

O God, whom the glorious companies of the redeemed adore, assembled from all times and places of thy Dominion: We praise the for the Saints of Wales who stand before the throne and serve thee day and night in thy holy temple, beseeching thee that we also may be numbered among them that worship . . . → Read More: All Saints of Wales

A Prayer in the Time of Plague


Almighty God, who in thy wrath in the time of King David didst slay with the plague of pestilence threescore and ten thousand, and yet remembering thy mercy didst save the rest: Have pity upon us miserable sinners, who are now visited with great sickness and mortality; that like as thou didst then command thine . . . → Read More: A Prayer in the Time of Plague

Veterans Day

Remembrance Day poppy

Almighty God, our heavenly Father, in whose hands are the living and the dead: We give thee thanks for all those thy servants who have laid down their lives in the service of our country. Grant to them thy mercy and the light of thy presence, that the good work which thou hast begun . . . → Read More: Veterans Day

Saint Martin

San Martín y el mendigo

San Martín y el mendigo (Saint Martin and the beggar), by El Greco (1541–1614). From Wikimedia.

O Lord Jesus Christ, who didst endue thy soldier Saint Martin with the spirit of sacrifice, and didst exalt him as Bishop to be a great defender of the Faith: Grant us grace to follow in . . . → Read More: Saint Martin

Saint Tysilio of Wales

Y Ddraig Goch

O God, by whose grace thy blessed Saint Tysilio became a burning and a shining light in the Church: Grant that we may be inflamed with the same spirit of discipline and love, and ever walk before thee in the way of perfection as children of light; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth . . . → Read More: Saint Tysilio of Wales

Anglican Saints and Worthies

Also known as “Saints, Martyrs, Missionaries, and Doctors of the Church of England” and “Saints of the British Isles”

Almighty God, we bless thy Holy Name for all thy saints, and most especially for all the Anglican saints and worthies who have laboured in thy vineyard. Endow us, we beseech thee, with minds clear, . . . → Read More: Anglican Saints and Worthies

The Twenty–Second Sunday after Trinity

Trinity (celtic knot)

Lord, we beseech thee to keep thy household the Church in continual godliness; that through thy protection it may be free from all adversities, and devoutly given to serve thee in good works, to the glory of thy Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

. . . → Read More: The Twenty–Second Sunday after Trinity

Saint Willibrord

Saint Willibrord after Abraham Bloemaert

Saint Willibrord after Abraham Bloemaert (1566–1651)

O Lord Jesus Christ, who callest to thee whom thou willest, and sendest them whither thou dost choose: We thank thee for calling thy servant Willibrord to preach the Gospel to the Northern people; and we humbly pray thee to raise up among us those who will . . . → Read More: Saint Willibrord

William Temple, Archbishop of Canterbury, Teacher of the Faith

William Temple

Portrait of William Temple, by Philip de László (1869–1937) .

O God of light and love, who illumined thy Church through the witness of thy servant William Temple: Inspire us, we pray, by his teaching and example, that we may rejoice with courage, confidence, and faith in the Word made flesh, and may . . . → Read More: William Temple, Archbishop of Canterbury, Teacher of the Faith