Saint Timothy and Saint Titus

Saint Titus

Saint Titus, from the Saint Nicholas church in Kosovo. From Wikipedia.

Almighty God, who didst call Timothy and Titus to do the work of evangelists and teachers, and didst make them strong to endure hardship: Strengthen us to stand fast in adversity, and to live godly and righteous lives in this present . . . → Read More: Saint Timothy and Saint Titus

Saint Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna, Martyr

The Martyrdom of Saint Polycarp

The Martyrdom of Saint Polycarp, by Niccolo Circignani (“Il Pomarancio”) (c. 1517/1524—after 1596).

O God, the maker of heaven and earth, who didst give to thy venerable servant, the holy and gentle Polycarp, boldness to confess Jesus Christ as King and Saviour, and stedfastness to die for his faith: Give us grace, after . . . → Read More: Saint Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna, Martyr

The Third Sunday after the Epiphany

color celtic cross knot

Almighty and everlasting God, mercifully look upon our infirmities, and in all our dangers and necessities stretch forth thy right hand to help and defend us; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

R.I.P. Terry Jones

Galahad and the grail

A Grail Collect

Almighty God, Father of all mercies: Vouchsafe, we beseech thee, thy Holy Spirit to walk with us on our peculiar paths; and help us to see thy hand in all things, to keep a cheerful countenance in the face of adversity, and to look on the bright side of life; through Jesus . . . → Read More: R.I.P. Terry Jones

Saint Timothy

Rembrandt St Timothy

Timothy and his grandmother, by Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (1606–1669). From Wikipedia. Timothy, his mother Eunice, and his grandmother Lois, were all members of the Christian community in Lystra in Lycaonia, when Paul visited Lystra for the second time, in the company of Silas.

O God, eternal and only wise, who by . . . → Read More: Saint Timothy

Saint Vincent, Spanish Deacon and Martyr

Vicente de Zaragoza (School of Francisco Ribalta) XVII century

Vincent of Saragossa in Prison, School of Francisco Ribalta, 17th century. From Wikipedia.

Almighty and everlasting God, who didst strengthen thy blessed Martyr Vincent with the virtue of constancy in faith and truth: Grant us in like manner for love of the to despise the prosperity of this world, and to fear . . . → Read More: Saint Vincent, Spanish Deacon and Martyr

Saint Fabian, Bishop of Rome and Martyr

Saint Fabian

Saint Fabian, by Giovanni di Paolo (c. 1403–1482). From Wikipedia.

We beseech thee, O Lord, to grant us after the example of Saint Fabian, thy martyr, constancy in thy faith and truth; that, being grounded in divine love, we may be moved from its perfection by no temptations; through Jesus Christ our . . . → Read More: Saint Fabian, Bishop of Rome and Martyr

Saint Sebastian

St Sebastian Tended by St Irene

St Sebastian Tended by St Irene, by Hendrick ter Brugghen (1588–1629). From Wikipedia.

O God, fill us with that spirit of courage which gave thy martyr Sebastian strength to offer his life in faithful witness; and help us to learn from him to cherish thy law and to obey thee rather than . . . → Read More: Saint Sebastian

Altar Flowers — Epiphany II, Lee-Jackson Day, 19 January 2020

Altar Flowers — Epiphany II, Lee-Jackson Day

The flowers on the altar are given to the glory of God by Lt Col John Zebelean in memory of General Robert E. Lee.

Altar Flowers — Epiphany II, Lee-Jackson Day, 19 January 2020. The flowers on the altar are given to the glory of God by Lt Col JOhn Zebelean in . . . → Read More: Altar Flowers — Epiphany II, Lee-Jackson Day, 19 January 2020

Martin Luther King, Jr

Martin Luther King memorial Westminster Abbey

For a Civl Rights Worker

Martin Luther King memorial, sculpted by Tim Crawley, installed in 1998 over the west entrance of Westminster Abbey. From Wikipedia.

Almighty God, father of all mercies: We bless thy name for those who work to make justice a reality for all of thy children, especially thy servant . . . → Read More: Martin Luther King, Jr