Quinquagesima Sunday: the Sunday Next before Lent  

Chi Rho mosaic

Chi Rho mosaic from Saint Gregory of Sinai Monastery

O Lord, who hast taught us that all our doings without charity are nothing worth: Send thy Holy Ghost, and pour into our hearts that most excellent gift of charity, the very bond of peace and of all virtues, without which whosoever liveth . . . → Read More: Quinquagesima Sunday: the Sunday Next before Lent  

Saint Chad, Bishop of Lichfield

Celtic Cross

Almighty God, whose servant Chad, for the peace of the Church, relinquished cheerfully the honours that had been thrust upon him, only to be rewarded with equal responsibility: Keep us, we pray thee, from thinking of ourselves more highly than we ought to think, and ready at all times to step aside for others, . . . → Read More: Saint Chad, Bishop of Lichfield

Saint David

Flag of Saint David

O God, who in thy providence didst choose thy servant David to be the Apostle to the Welsh people, that he might cause the light of the Gospel to shine in the world: Grant us so to walk in that light, that we may come at last to the light of everlasting life; through . . . → Read More: Saint David

Sexagesima Sunday: Second Sunday before Lent

Chi Rho mosaic

Chi Rho mosaic from Saint Gregory of Sinai Monastery

O Lord God, who seest that we put not our trust in any thing that we do: Mercifully grant that by thy power we may be defended against all adversity; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

. . . → Read More: Sexagesima Sunday: Second Sunday before Lent

Frederick Douglass

Frederick Douglass

For a Civl Rights Worker

Photo of Frederick Douglass by George Kendall Warren. From the National Archives and Records Administration, National Archives Identifier (NAID) 558770., Public Domain, courtesy Wikimedia.

Almighty God, father of all mercies: We bless thy name for those who work to make justice a reality for all of thy . . . → Read More: Frederick Douglass

Septuagesima Sunday: the Third Sunday before Lent

Chi Rho mosaic

Chi Rho mosaic from Saint Gregory of Sinai Monastery

O Lord, we beseech thee favourably to hear the prayers of thy people; that we, who are justly punished for our offences, may be mercifully delivered by thy goodness, for the glory of thy Name; through Jesus Christ our Saviour, who liveth and . . . → Read More: Septuagesima Sunday: the Third Sunday before Lent

Saint Valentine

Saint Valentine baptizing saint Lucilla

St Valentine baptizing Saint Lucilla by Jacopo Bassano (Jacopo da Ponte) (1510—1592). Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Almighty God, by whose grace and power thy holy Martyr Valentine triumphed over suffering and despised death: Grant, we beseech the, that enduring hardness and waxing valiant in fight, we may with . . . → Read More: Saint Valentine

Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius

Cyril and Methodius

Saints Cyril and Methodius holding the Cyrillic alphabet, a mural by Bulgarian iconographer Z. Zograf, 1848, Troyan Monastery

O God, who by the preaching of thy servants Cyril and Methodius didst cause the light of the Gospel to shine in Slavonic lands: Lead thy people by its brightness to become sons of a . . . → Read More: Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius

Saint Scholastica

Kleinmariazell Altar Scholastica

Saint Scholastica Altar in the Kleinmariazell, Wienerwald, Austria

Blessed be thou, O Heavenly Father, for thy holy Virgin Saint Scholastica, who sought in this life to walk before thee with a perfect heart and now with all the redeemed rejoiceth eternally; through the merits and grace of thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord, . . . → Read More: Saint Scholastica

The Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany

color celtic cross knot

O Lord, we beseech thee to keep thy Church and household continually in thy true religion; that they who do lean only upon the hope of thy heavenly grace may evermore be defended by thy mighty power; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.