Please help us to meet our 1,000 lbs sales goal

A Brazen Appeal from the Eagle

Saturday, December 1st is the date for our Twenty First Annual Cookie Walk. It will take place from 9:00 AM ’til 1:00 PM at the church. We have a great sale in the making, including wonderful cookies, jams and jellies, peanut brittle, bean soup, greens, table arrangements, wreaths, candied . . . → Read More: Please help us to meet our 1,000 lbs sales goal

It’s time to start thinking about Cookie Walk 2012

Here I am again. They won’t let me air my views on politics or religion or, in fact, anything controversial. All they do is pressgang me into writing commercials for Cookie Walk 2012. The Cookie Walk will be early this year. The event takes place on Saturday, December 1st from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. . . . → Read More: It’s time to start thinking about Cookie Walk 2012

The Cookie Walk Approaches!

Those of you who have never experienced a Cookie Walk may be wondering what all the fuss is about. So for your edification, we have put together some pictures from Cookie Walks Past. See you Saturday!

Cookie Walks Past

Here are some photos from Cookie Walks Past—some from as far back as 2002. The cookies have completely taken over the Parish Hall (which was enlarged a couple of years ago), so some displays have moved to the lobby and the hallway.

24 Photos

Greens, gifts & help, please!

We use fresh greens for our baskets and to sell in our bags of greens. Please survey your garden and and cut greens for us. They can be delivered to church from Tuesday, November 30th—just leave them outside or in the courtyard. If deliveries are difficult, call Donna Szper at (410) 252–1499 to arrange a . . . → Read More: Greens, gifts & help, please!

Cookie Walk 2011 Appeal

The Cookie Walk is almost here! (You know all about the Cookie Walk, right? If not, read all about it at!

☞ We need help to assemble the Cookie Walk mailer, Tuesday & Wednesday, November 8th & 9th, beginning at 9:00 AM.

☞ We also need new and nearly new gifts, as well . . . → Read More: Cookie Walk 2011 Appeal

More in sorrow than …

(Editor’s note: This screed from Isaac was published in response to a Newsletter article by parishioner Don Ruthig)

Isn’t that just like a human! You try to do them a favor and all they do is whine about it! It’s not my fault I can’t eat cookies. I’m just not equipped to do it. . . . → Read More: More in sorrow than …

Brassed off with Isaac’s Cookie Walk arrogance

Posted from the Newsletter on behalf of parishioner Don Ruthig

The nerve of that eagle Isaac. He freely admits not eating cookies, much less cooking them, but yet has the brass to urge us parishioners to ante up five pounds each.

He should have been around our house at Christmas. Then he’d know something about . . . → Read More: Brassed off with Isaac’s Cookie Walk arrogance

It’s time to start baking for Cookie Walk 2011

It was bound to happen, of course: No sooner do I open my beak and accept a part time job writing for the parish newsletter than I get press–ganged into writing commercials about the Cookie Walk.

Please don’t think I’m boasting, but I’m well aware of the fact I write pretty good advertising copy—my “come-ons” . . . → Read More: It’s time to start baking for Cookie Walk 2011