Services on the Internet

Fr Hawtin

This is the first in the best part of 370 year that Anglican Churches in the English speaking world have been closed by order of the government. Back then they were closed at the whim of Oliver Cromwell. Today, by start contrast, they are shuttered to inhibit the spread of a deadly disease.

The parochial . . . → Read More: Services on the Internet

The Latest COVID-19 Update

Fr Hawtin

The latest notice from Fr Novicki on the parish’s response to COVID-19:

The Vestry meeting for March is cancelled. I have received word the Garden Party has been cancelled. This was done at this juncture to give vendors adequate notice. Unless the Governor decrees otherwise, there will be services on Sunday. Parishoners self isolated at . . . → Read More: The Latest COVID-19 Update

The parish’s plans for Corvid-19 emergency

Fr Hawtin

Familiarity, according to the proverb, breeds contempt. It is a saying which helps explain why many who have lived through the major epidemics of the past century—whooping cough, scarlet fever, Asian flu and polio—appear to be taking a somewhat phlegmatic approach to the neo-coronavirus, Covid-19.

Scorn is probably not an unreasonable reaction to the hoarders . . . → Read More: The parish’s plans for Corvid-19 emergency

The notion of “Agape” doesn’t come naturally

candy distribution

And while I’m on the subject, a radio talk show caller not so long ago ventured to suggest that all would be right with American society if only people would love each other a bit more.

It’s hard to quarrel with that. Clearly, if drug dealers loved addicts a bit more they wouldn’t enslave them . . . → Read More: The notion of “Agape” doesn’t come naturally

I Cor. 13: The Bible’s most terrifying passage

Somebody recently asked me why my sermons so often end with a reflection on our Christian obligation to love our fellow men. I replied that it is the subject of the most frightening passage in the whole of the Bible: The 13th Chapter of the First Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians.

Some might . . . → Read More: I Cor. 13: The Bible’s most terrifying passage

The parish is targeted by i-phone check thieves

Fr Hawtin

Occasionally—very occasionally, thank heavens—there are ideas that seem good at the time they come to mind but that, in practice, turn out to be incredibly dangerous. Sad to relate the parish has just fallen victim to one.

Banks are encouraging patrons to make deposits by i-phone. Essentially the phone is used to make an image . . . → Read More: The parish is targeted by i-phone check thieves

Scripture sheds an amazing light on the commentaries

Fr Hawtin

Many arguments have been advanced to support the contention that English should be the official language of the United States. My favorite is said to have been made by an unnamed Southern senator who argued it should be the official tongue because God chose English in which to write the Bible.

I strongly suspect the . . . → Read More: Scripture sheds an amazing light on the commentaries

It’s good for your health to be on a parish’s prayer list

Fr Hawtin

Folks who have gotten out of the habit of saying their prayers frequently feel self-conscious and embarrassed about taking it up again. But it’s vitally important to make the effort—and by no means solely for the sake of your spiritual health.

Scientific studies show that prayer is good for your physical health as well. Patients . . . → Read More: It’s good for your health to be on a parish’s prayer list

Sliming for Lent? Why not take up something?

Fr Hawtin

Shrove Tuesday pancake suppers are, for Anglicans, the last vestige of the old Pre-Lenten carnival—the veritable orgy of eating, drinking and merry-making that traditionally preceded the forty day fast.

Christians in many parts of Europe still observe the Pre-Lenten Carnival; none more so than the Germans who start the carnival season (called Fasching) well before . . . → Read More: Sliming for Lent? Why not take up something?

God bless low tech rice!

Fr Hawtin

An Appreciation

My dear old dad used to claim that the only was to be progressive was to be totally opposed to progress. His words struck a chord with me recently when I discovered that my mobile phone had fallen into the washing machine.

The reason it fell into the ghastly piece of machinery . . . → Read More: God bless low tech rice!