Help wanted: No experience necessary

With just over three weeks to go before the Garden Party we’re shifting our efforts into high gear to make this the best Garden Party ever.

So now’s the time to drop off your jumble for the Jumble table. Please rummage the corners of your closets for bric-a-brac, collectibles, books, DVDs, CDs and oddities for . . . → Read More: Help wanted: No experience necessary

April 9th Planning Meeting

The John F. Nicoll Pipe Band performs during the opening ceremonies of St Stephen’s British Garden Party and Fête.

We hope you can join us on Tuesday, April 9th for the last Parish Life Committee Meeting prior to the Garden Party. Come and lend your valuable ideas and opinions at this your last . . . → Read More: April 9th Planning Meeting

2012 Garden Party Flower Show

Once again our parishioners outdid themselves with floral arrangements for the 2012 Garden Party Flower Show. You can see them in the latest addition to our Photo Gallery.

British Garden Party a huge $4K success

“This garden party,” asked the lady at the other end of the telephone, “Is it rain or shine?” It was quite a sensible question, really. It had been raining for much of the day and the forecast for the next days—including, Saturday, May 5th—seemed just as grim. “Oh yes,” I told her, “It is most . . . → Read More: British Garden Party a huge $4K success

St Stephen’s: A canine-friendly parish

GPA Md Chapter

If you’ve visited St Stephen’s with any regularity, you’ll have noticed that the parish is very canine–friendly. The Rector set the standard, and a number of parishioners have followed suit. Four–legged creatures make regular appearances at suppers and picnics, and even Evensong (although the aren’t allowed in the . . . → Read More: St Stephen’s: A canine-friendly parish

Sign up to become a Garden Party Patron

Every civic organization seems to sponsor some sort of the ethnic festival these days. The Greeks have bouzouki music and spinach pies. The Germans, oom-pah bands and bratwurst. Back in the old days, Romans had orgies and roasted dormice.

But what do Anglican Churches have by way of ethnic festivals? Vicarage Garden Parties, of course! . . . → Read More: Sign up to become a Garden Party Patron

Garden Party Pictures

We had a beautiful day for this year’s Garden Party and Fête, and a grand time was had by all. We’ve put together not one, but two galleries of photos. The first gallery has pictures of all the usual activities: sack races and the Tea Room, miscreants in the pillory, people at tea in . . . → Read More: Garden Party Pictures

Garden Party Poster

St Stephen’s annual British Garden Party and Fête is just around the corner! Check out the Garden Party page, now featuring this year’s poster (PDF).

Looking for Garden Party Sponsors

From this week’s Newsletter:

Garden Party Day is coming up fast! The big event is scheduled to take place on May 7th to be precise. And there is still much to be done to ensure that this year’s party is as successful as its predecessors.

One way you can help is by becoming a Patron . . . → Read More: Looking for Garden Party Sponsors