For the Victims of the Vehicular Assault in Charlottesville

The Massacre of the Innocents

For the Victims of an Act of Terrorism

Merciful God in heaven: Grant, we beseech thee, peace and rest to those whose lives were taken in the attack in Charlottesville, and comfort those who mourn them. Give strength and courage to those who were injured, and bless those who minister unto them. Grant the people . . . → Read More: For the Victims of the Vehicular Assault in Charlottesville

Summer Solstice

Appearance of Christ to the People

O Lord Christ, who wast born in the bleak mid-winter, and yet was the Light of the world: shine thy love upon us even as the mid-summer sun shone upon the birth of thy cousin blessed John Baptist; and enkindle faith in our hearts, that we may join him in preparing thy way, even as . . . → Read More: Summer Solstice

World Refugee Day

Destruction of Jerusalem

The Siege and Destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans Under the Command of Titus, A.D. 70, by David Roberts (1796-1849). From Wikipedia.

Hear our prayer, O Lord, and give ear unto our cry: We are strangers with thee, and sojourners, as all our fathers were: bondmen whom thou leddest out of oppression . . . → Read More: World Refugee Day


Union soldiers accompanying freed slaves

O Lord God of hosts, who with a mighty arm delivered Israel from bondage in Egypt: Let not our hearts be hardened like Pharaoh’s, but incline our hearts to mercy; that we might fight against slavery of body and mind, and oppression of the soul. Help us to welcome the liberated into the fulness of . . . → Read More: Juneteenth

A Collect for D–Day

Soldiers resting on Omaha Beach

Almighty and All-Terrible God, Creator of all the world and Father of all men: we thank thee for the strength and courage of all those who planned and participated in the assault of Normandy on D-Day, and particularly for the valour of those who sacrificed their lives in the service of God and country. Grant . . . → Read More: A Collect for D–Day

For Stewardship of God’s Creation

Albert Bierstadt Lake Tahoe

Almighty God, Creator of heaven and earth, who hast given unto man dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth: Make us to be diligent stewards of thy creation, for . . . → Read More: For Stewardship of God’s Creation

Towel Day

Giaquinto Corrado The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit, by Giaquinto Corrado (1703-1765). From Wikimedia.

O Lord our God, Ruler of the Universe, whose angels tell us to fear not, nor be dismayed: We beseech thee that we may always know the presence of thy Holy Comforter; that we should not panic in the face of all the . . . → Read More: Towel Day

National Prayer Day

Almighty God, unto whom our prayers rise as the incense of the evening sacrifice: Inspire us with thy Holy Spirit, that our prayers may be right and good in thy sight, and worthy of thy lovingkindness. Direct our hearts to pray for the well-being of others: for them that are down-trodden, that their suffering may . . . → Read More: National Prayer Day

May the Fourth

Rey takes Luke Skywalker's light sabre from Kylo Ren

May the Fourth

Almighty God, King of Heaven: Grant, we beseech thee, that as we go forth against the forces of darkness, so we may be prevented by the force of thy Holy Spirit and all the heavenly host; that at the last we may enter into the Kingdom of Peace; through Jesus Christ our . . . → Read More: May the Fourth

International Workers’ Day

Almighty God, who hast given unto us the Sabbath to be a day of rest, and who hast promised to be a swift witness against them that oppress the hireling in his wages: In thy mercy, grant the labourer to be strong, and let not his hand be weak, and let his work be rewarded. . . . → Read More: International Workers’ Day