For the Cessation of Violence

Bouguereau The First Mourning

Almighty God, Creator of all men, unto whom the blood of Abel crieth from the ground: Deliver us, we beseech thee, from the fear and anger which driveth Cain to rise up and slay his brother. Grant us the courage to forgive, and the humility to be forgiven; cast away the beams from our eyes, . . . → Read More: For the Cessation of Violence

For the Refugees of the World

In honour of World Refugee Day.

Hear our prayer, O Lord, and give ear unto our cry: We are strangers with thee, and sojourners, as all our fathers were: bondmen whom thou leddest out of oppression through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm. Grant us, therefore, the meekness of heart to preserve . . . → Read More: For the Refugees of the World

A Collect for the Works of Faith

Caravaggio Sette opere di Misericordia

Sette opere di Misericordia (Seven Works of Mercy), by Caravaggio (1571–1610).From Wikipedia.

Merciful God, whose Son warned his apostles that, like good trees and corrupt, we should be known by our fruit: Grant that we may prove our living faith with good works, and that we may proclaim the Gospel not only . . . → Read More: A Collect for the Works of Faith

A Collect for the Victims of Hatred

Pieter Brueghel II Christ and the Woman Taken in Adultery

Almighty God, Father of all mankind: we beseech thee to turn the hearts of those who through malice and hatred would seek to injure or oppress the stranger, the sojourner, and the Samaritan in our midst; for these are the neighbours whom thou hast commanded us to love, and it is in our demonstration of . . . → Read More: A Collect for the Victims of Hatred

Towel Day

Towel Day

Towel Day, May 25th, commemorates the life and work of Douglas Adams. This collect was first used on Sunday, May 27th, the Feast of Pentecost.

O Lord our God, Ruler of the Universe, whose angels tell us to fear not, nor be dismayed: We beseech thee that we may always know the presence of . . . → Read More: Towel Day

May the Fourth

The crossing of the red sea

Almighty God, King of Heaven: Grant, we beseech thee, that as we go forth against the forces of darkness, so we may be prevented by the force of thy Holy Spirit and all the heavenly host; that at the last we may enter into the Kingdom of Peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Written . . . → Read More: May the Fourth

For the Victims of the Terrorst Attack in Lahore

Gulshan-e-Iqbal Park

Merciful God in heaven: Grant, we beseech thee, peace and rest to those whose lives were taken in the terrorist attack in Lahore, and comfort those who mourn them. Give strength and courage to those who were injured, and bless those who minister unto them. Grant the people of Pakistan the resolve to carry on . . . → Read More: For the Victims of the Terrorst Attack in Lahore

For the Victims of the Terrorst Attacks in Brussels

Brussels at night

Written for remembrance of the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing of April 15th, 2013, and first used on Sunday, April 21st, 2013. Reused on September 22nd, 2013, for the victims of the shooting at the Navy Yard, Washington, DC, and on too many occasions since.

Merciful God in heaven: Grant, we beseech thee, peace . . . → Read More: For the Victims of the Terrorst Attacks in Brussels

International Women’s Day

Peter von Cornelius The Three Marys at the Tomb

O Lord Jesus Christ, who hast given us a wonderful example of faith and obedience in the person of thy blessed Mother Mary: Grant us to see her image in all women, that we should treat them with honor and respect; and likewise vouchsafe to endow all women with the strength and courage of thy . . . → Read More: International Women’s Day

For the Awakening of the Force of Righteousness

The Pilgrim's Progress by Byam Shaw

Within Sight of the City to Which They Went, from The Pilgrim’s Progress, illustrated by Byam Shaw (1872–1919).

Inspired by the premiere of Star Wars: The Force Awakens and by the Choirmaster-Organist’s post-service voluntary, “Atrio solii”, a tour–de–force transcription of the final cue from John Williams’s score for Star Wars: A New Hope . . . → Read More: For the Awakening of the Force of Righteousness